Friday, 22 May 2015

Cangames 2015...random weekend shots...pic heavy!!

Howdy all,

Well it's been one week today since CanGames 2015 came to town...if memory serves me correct this was the 39th year of the con.  Some of you may recall my reports from Cangames 2014.  Continuing from last years goals of GAME GAME GAME...I, well...I gamed.

This year I signed up for 5 games (3 last year...), had a great time with all of them...there were a couple of repeats as I do enjoy particular GM's and rulesets.  I did step out and try a couple of different sets...enjoyed them.  As well, I got the chance to meet allies and adversaries from games past...this years Cangames had a few new vendors at the fact I purchased some craters and laser cut bases from 6 Squared Studios.

Anyhow, throughout the weekend I took the chance to take as many pics as I could...this year there seemed to be even more great looking games...some very fabulous was awesome to see!!

to the pics...

Batman Miniature Game demo... 
Dungeons and Dragons...I believe...nice looking layout...28mm
Every castle needs a library... 
These stores desperately needs some ale!!  
And every castle needs a random body strapped to a table...
My buddy Duncan ran a Hail Caesar scenario in 28mm...great looking terrain piece 

Great looking figs as well...
some NSFW...however, just in case, I was able to edit out the arses of the fanatical 'Fight While You're Naked' clan... 

 Face of Battle...20mm World War 2 from Michael Ball.  Michael consistently lays out a great looking table every year showcasing his published ruleset.
 A very impressive scratchbuilt model of Fortress Louisburg in 28mm by my buddy Ed...if I recall correctly it is approximately 8 feet wide...he used the Musket and Tomahawks ruleset.
While I did not participate in this one, my buddy Mike posted his battle report from that day already. 
The Governor's mansion... 
Great looking siege guns... 
Flames of War in 15mm...Battle of Kursk, put on by my buddy Serge... 
A very impressive offering of Battle of Liegnitz using a homegrown Warmaster variant by my buddy Nick...I couldn't help but be impressed...all together there are around 2000 miniatures on the table...all in 15mm...
This impressive group is squaring off against...
This massively impressive is my attempt at a panoramic shot to capture them all...
View of left of centre...
...view of centre...
 ...just right of centre...
...extreme right view.
random shot so you can see the great looking paintjobs... 
 Zombies in a mall in 28mm (I think )...very popular, well put together homegrown rules by Matt Collins...
Warmaster, Battle of Five Armies...I wanna say 6mm, but not sure...
Spaghetti Western in 28mm...homegrown rules from Gilbert Collins... 




  1. Wow, seems to be a great event, beautiful photos and tables!

    1. I think this marks my 6th (??) CanGames and I think the tables were the best this year so far...

  2. There were a lot of good looking games this year, I think there may have been fewer games than there were in past years but that ones that were there are really up in visual appeal.

    (Thanks for posting the link to 6 Squared, I was trying to remember what their name was)

    1. You're welcome Duncan...I think the majority of the tables were putting on their best show. It was great to see so many good looking tables.
