Monday, 1 June 2015

Air Cav Photo Op...

Hey folks,

Just a quick post.

As some of you may recall, I recently completed ...the grunts... for my Vietnam Air Cavalry force.  One thing that I had not done yet though, was to get a picture of all the helos and grunts together in one scene.

For those interested in seeing group photos, here you go...

Overhead shot of the force...Cobras, Hogs, Loaches, and Hueys...oh my

The blues...

Command team

Colonel Kilgore...Charlie Don't Surf!!
Group shot


  1. Really outstanding!! Especially the bases!

  2. Very nice Sir, very nice indeed!

    "First of the 9th was an old cavalry division that had cashed in its horses for choppers and gone tear-assing around Nam looking for the sh*t" - Capt Willard, Apocalypse Now

    1. Thank you Paul...I must admit I had the movie on a few times while I was painting these troops up.


  3. Brilliant. The commander looks like he might be yelling "You can either surf, or you can fight!"
