Monday, 5 November 2018

Ticket to Hoth...Veers and co.

Hello hello,

As I'm contemplating the whole Star Wars Legion, I wanted to continue with my "lets try out these figures" approach to investing and keep answering for myself, can I actually paint these.  When I saw General Veers and the Snowtroopers pack at my LGS, I jumped at the chance to further explore.  The figures themselves look very dynamic...they all have great poses and look very tactical, loll.

Veers has an excellent sneer as he's about to get all shootout...and the Snowtroopers have a great range of dynamic poses, looking very operational and 'assaulty'.  It took me some time to get a paintscheme that I really liked and that also mirrored what I remembered the troops to look like from 'Empire'.

The box art from FFG had a couple of variances in the colour schemes...and the release pics showed a different shade as well...

--pic taken from Flight Fantasy Games website--

So, I then went to the internets and carried out a fairly complete search for movie screencaps and even found some shots from deleted scenes that gave a better amount of detail on the snowtrooper overall...if you're in doubt, trust me there are dozens of sources for pics...all the way from movie caps to Star Wars Battlefront art to game caps, etc...not to mention, as I was working through my colour choices and getting paint on model...Sorastro released his video and gave me another perspective...
For the bases, I again went back to some recent Star Wars Battlefront shots and go the idea of pseudo Star-warsy trench planking...this combined with some Citadel Valhalla Blizzard (an awesome snow effect) gave me the basing I really wanted as well...
Between all those sources and ideas, I landed on a scheme that I really like...I think mirrors the look I, I hope you enjoy the pics...take care.

Group Shot

General Veers...
Unfortunately, my camera could not cope with the lighting...and I did not realize till much later.
The SnowTroops…

Of the troops, this one is my favourite dynamic pose...

Section commander - troop leader...
Blaster carrying soldats...fairly close in pose, with some subtle variations to be unique...
Lead Mountain Progress - Expedition 2018

28mm: figures: 36 (+8)
            vehicles: 3
15mm: figures: 12
             vehicles: 17
             terrain: 1
Purchased - 19 (+8)
Progress - +50


  1. Those are looking really good. White is always hard to do.

    1. Thanks Duncan...yeah, there's a lot of white paint schemes in my future...I bought the Legion box, 2 sections of stormtroopers...sigh
