Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Star Wars Legion - Commandos

Happy August folks,

After a longer than expected pause, I'm working on getting my posting mojo back. I realized that there was 3 months between yeah, the painting has continued, but the posting has taken a back seat.

No worries though, I'm glad to show the latest batch of Rebels that I was able to get painted up. Now I have to admit, this group was probably the most difficult to get painted. There are some nice poses and they look good...but to be completely honest, they were probably the worst box that I've put together to date. The pieces did not fit easily together and I had to make some patches to the pieces to get the to fit. For the pieces that did fit together I had to repair numerous gaps, for the pieces that could not fit together, I had to do some surgery and cut away blockages, etc.

I think the assembly woes put me off on the painting and these figures took about a month to paint up and probably took another month to get pictures...all in all, not the best painting experience, but if that is the worst thing to happen to me in a given day, then that makes for a great f'ing day!!

The main goal with painting was to try out some new camouflage patterns, match the figures thematically with my Tatooine Wolverines, and to have a few nods to the Commandos as portrayed in the Return of the Jedi movie (and FFG Commandos box art).

Regardless, I'm happy to have them off the table and ready to go. Enjoy the pics.

The team... 

3 different camo patterns... 

Frontal views... 

The sniper is an excellent pose... 

My favourite of the schemes

Hike up Lead Mountain 2020

28mm          53 (+7, commandos)
15mm          43

Bought:       0 (these were bought a while ago)

Progress:    +96

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