Monday, 24 April 2023

Cangames Tester - Force on Force...ish

Howdy folks,

Hope all is well on your side. The past few months have been a bugger of a go with the last weeks especially pulling me away from painting and posting online. Trying to make up somewhat for that I thought I'd post a battle report from a Cangames tester with Duncan and Mike.

We haven't set out all of the specifics, but this was more of a test of game mechanics and overall game scenario. We had the chance to test the layout, figure out what elements we wanted to keep from the game, and how we could adapt some of the others to our scenario.

For those who might not be up on their Force On Force (FoF), it is generally scenario based, modern war ruleset, and a variety of mechanics to capture insurgent based groups, military forces, and asymmetric battlespace...although you can certainly have a classic nation state on nation state knockaround. In this case we are adapting the main rules behind Force on Force as well as the insurgent group idea to that of an urban setting and more of a crime gang thing.

The tester worked out well, we were able to walk away with the framework of a scenario and table layout...had some fun pitting random forces against each other.

Now just to get it all on paper...cheers folks.

Test layout for the table...mainly looking at having some structures, line of sight, blockages to LOS, and all that good stuff.

Deployment of forces, crime groups around the outer fringes, one group coming in on motorbikes, another group near a open lot at the bottom-right of the pic.

Trying out some vehicle placement...we have a few 'insurgent' groups shooting down to the streets, some excellent roles, some not so excellent roles. The main mechanic here being that a unit is assigned a troop quality dice/value and rolls for 4+ on that dice. So either a D6, D8, or D10...

Law enforcement team gets caught behind a collision and takes some fire from the rooftop as well as the street as the bikers jump into the fray.

Lots of action here as shots ring out at the collision just left of table centre, and the open lot at the top-right of the pic sees some action between cops and robbers.

The final shot of the game...I think at this point we have a bunch of wounds on the table, and we've 'expended' plenty of ammo on both sides.

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