Sunday, 18 June 2023

Marvel CP - The Rhino!!

Howdy everyone,

I hope all is well on your side. I was pretty pumped when I picked up the Rhino figure a few months back and was even more pumped when I saw Sorastro's take on him. At the end of the day, I ended up loosely following the guidance of Sorastro, but also kept to my own interpretation or at least colour scale. 

The figure has alot of great texturing already laid into it so a bunch of the work was just trying to make sure that whatever I did, did not take away from that level of detail. The face is super expressive and just a dynamic pose overall. I did include some additional debris, capturing some degree of motion as Sorastro might say, but not too much to get in the way as I sometimes overthing those little details.

My one con for the figure overall is some of the seam lines are challenging to smooth away or fill over without removing/obscuring the fabulous details. But the figure overall was a bunch of fun to paint up and only took me a couple of nights.

I hope you enjoy the pics.


15mm            47
28mm+          24, +1

Bought         121, +1

Progress      -50

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