Monday, 30 December 2024

BRS - MiG Alley...and Beyond MiG Alley

Howdy folks,

I hope all is going well over the Christmas and holiday period for everyone. Continuing on with my latest distraction. Not only have I dipped my toe into the Korean War conflict with Warlord Games Blood Red Skies MiG Alley...I have also recently discovered Lead Pursuit Podcast who has license with Warlord to produce aircraft for said game. AND who also have license to produce aircraft for Blood Red Skies and Lead Pursuit's free expansion rules for beyond the 1950s. You can find them here, Lead Pursuit Podcast

I have 8 aircraft now, some A4's, a couple of F4's, and a couple of Mig 19's...these are 3d printed and are super super sharp looking aircraft. They are probably the cleanest 3d prints I've seen, and certainly some of the cleanest aircraft models I've seen. 

The models all came up very quickly, but I gotta say that right now my favourite are the MiG 19’s, they were the cleanest and took the paint really well. The detail and lining really came out well…I am somewhat disappointed with the F4 and A4’s, but they will definitely work for the tabletop.

Enjoy the pics. Take care.

Group shot of everyone…I painted up one of the MiG 15’s with a red nose after seeing a pic of the Soviet Air Forces paint scheme for their “advisors” flying with the North Koreans. I have one MiG 19 in plain gray paint scheme and the other with grey and green…both inspired by North Vietnam Air Force paint schemes. The pic includes aircraft from my previous post…the weather was above freezing today, so it was dullcote day.

The A4 tails were inspired by the paint scheme of the Skyhawk’s that were flying off the USS Independence circa 1965. I think I’ll keep them fairly clean, keep them rather generic for use with other Air Forces.

I am currently waiting for decals for the Phantoms, they will be getting the Sundowners tail…looks very cool and will really top of the F4’s.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


1/200          16, +12 (2 x Sabre’s, 3 x MiG 15, 2 x MiG 19, 1 x F4, 4 x A4)
15mm         214
28mm+       44


Terrain        2

Bought        24 

Progress   +252


  1. They look great Stan! The 3D prints really hold up well in terms of detail, and I'm sure that helps their centre of gravity on the flying stands too. Who mades them please?

    1. Thanks Paul! I’m very impressed with them. Here’s a link, they are called Lead Pursuit Podcast.

  2. VERY nice indeed! I might email them and ask if they are going to expand their range for the Korea theatre.

    BTW I just found this free print and play Solo game flying Skyraider strike missions into Korea - might help keep your juices flowing :-)

    1. Thanks for that Paul, appreciate the link. Take care.

  3. How do the sizes of the Warlord planes match with the Lead Pursuit ones?

    1. I’ll try to get some comparison shots, but taking a rough look I think they match well. The MiG 15 is about half the length of the F4, and the A4 is just a touch larger overall. Hope that helps. Oh, they also have a 15% off sale until end-Jan.
