Saturday, 15 February 2025

Open Fire - German Grenadiers

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your side of the internets. So, here we are hitting mid-February and we are fresh off the best storm of the current season…although many would ay the first actual snow storm of the season. We had an excellent amount of snow fall the other day, and in some areas with the blowing snow, we got to walk up to 1 to 2 feet of snow. Good news…we have the chance to do a repeat of this tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to that.

The year so far has been fairly steady, and I have been trying to push through the Open Fire German grenadiers…following off my recent work on the US Para’s that came with the box. I had been looking at doing 1 platoon of gren’s based for Force on Force and then another for Flames of War. If I’m totally honest, I’m not really impressed with these plastic figures…so I am having some motivational issues with getting through them.

I’ve completed a first wave of the figures…and have started another batch. In between that time, I did see a post on Reddit where this fellow said that he uses 15mm FoW figures for Bolt Action. I think I can get behind that idea and ditch my plans for making a FoW platoon out of these figures…I think some more for Force on Force or 15mm Bolt Action might be a bit of motivation that I need to help me out.

Anyway, here is the first batch of Grenadiers…I’m looking forward to getting the rulebook for Bolt Action to see how that goes…and hey, 15mm Bolt Action.

Enjoy the pics. 

The group overall…mix of leadership and grunts…SMG’s and riflemen.

A couple of MG42 crews…they’ll work as part of a Grenadier section or standalone teams.

Tried my hand at splinter camo as well…it has been a while.

Another group shot, you can see the Officers and NCOs up front…these would be a platoon HQ or company HQ stand for FoW formation.

…a little Kate Bush love…

Running up that Lead/Plastic Hill...


15mm          23    

Bought        0 

Progress   +23

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