Saturday 18 May 2024

Cangames Prep - Odds and Bits of Terrain

Hey everyone,

Hope all is well on your respective fronts. Given that I have been a little pre-occupied for the last few weeks, this is just a quick post to plant the May-post flag onto the blog. The good news to this tragic tale, that I have been prepping figs, painting up terrain pieces, and scratch building some terrain for a game that I'm putting on for CanGames this upcoming weekend!

The game will be using the Danger Close rules, adapting them for the con and my memory...right now planning for 4 players who will have between 3-5 figures each. I have gone back and forth on what the setting is, I did have plans to have completed a few more buildings so that this was like an isolated farmstead or basecamp. As it turns out, my time was getting taken from me, so I painted up a bunch of 'contingency' terrain pieces so that I could have something if my fabrication was delayed…which wasn’t a bad idea given the past week or so.

So anywho…I ended up fabricating 2 terrain pieces…a shack/cabin in the woods/fallout looking piece, and a larger set-piece that looks more like a garage type structure. They both have removable roofs so the interior can be used and offer some flavour to the table…I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, and I really stepped up the weathering on them.

As well, I did some quick work on some dollar store 1 inch wooden cubes, 3 x sea containers by Reaper, and handful of terrain from Mantic’s Walking Dead terrain box. All in all, really happy with the output.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       26, +19


Terrain          2, +2 (28mm terrain pieces)

Bought          8

Progress   +47

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Danger Close - Another Test-Run

Howdy folks,

I hope all is going well on your sides of the internets. Well, as the title says, this is another play test of the Danger Close rules from Empress Miniatures. This time out, I had a little help from Duncan…I wanted to get his thoughts on the flow and mechanics of the game. So,we both squared off against each other and gave the rules a try. Spoiler Alert, it was another successful go with the rules, I think they are nice and simple, and yes, I am horrible at rolling the dice…Duncan soundly trounced all over my team.

So with that, here are the main details of the game and some pics to enjoy…take care.

The details: 

The crew: Duncan and I each had a fireteam of 5 personnel, fairly standard armament - carbines and one SAW (squad automatic weapons, ala C9, M249, etc.), I think we included optics (give a modification on spotting and shooting), and body armour of some type. 

Objective: again, I didn’t really think of any going into this…I ended up dropping a bag of weapons in the middle of the table and each crew was tasked with retrieving it.

Thoughts: again, fairly straightforward, but it was really good to get the perspectives from Duncan. There is a little bit of administration that goes into the game, token keeping stuff and whatnot. There were some ‘holes’ in the rules, but again nothing that some improv couldn’t fix. I think the biggest thing is that the tables can be a little problematic and confusing…I didn’t notice that too much the first time, but it was definitely a factor in our game.

And now, the pics:

The layout, kit bag of guns (blue bag) in the centre of the table. Duncan at the top, deployed and moved in behind some barricades. I’m ingress in from the bottom of the pic, between the two buildings on the right.

Slowly making my way up the table.

I made my way into the building…and Duncan made some pretty great rolls to snipe my guys on the inside.

Outside, I am having success spotting Duncan’s crew, but my die rolls suck hard…

Another one bites the dust…sniped..and down. 

And the rest of the team is feeling the pain.

Friday 5 April 2024

Team Yankee/ Red Dawn - Canadian Iltis

Howdy everyone,

I hope all is well. Just a quick post to show off one of the new units that you can get with the latest NATO book…a Canadian Airborne Regiment Iltis patrol as part of the continental Canadian Army and Force Mobile Command (FMC). The patrol comes as a 4 vehicle blister with 2 x TOW mounted vehicles and 2 x MG vehicles.

I’m not going to lie, I had been waiting for these little delights for some time. At one point, I had been trying to find a suitable maker until Battlefront caught up and made these as part of their NATO release. These were in service with the Canadian Army from the 1980’s up until early 2000’s (03-04 if I remember correctly). These vehicles just seemed to takes constant beating and yet, kept on ticking.

Anywho, in the context of Red Dawn/Team Yankee, these patrols are available to the Canadian commander as part of FMC and the Canadian Airborne Regiment. 

The vehicles were fun to paint up…the only con that sticks to mind, is the finickiness of the figures and trying to work my brush around them to get them painted up. Otherwise, pretty quick build and paint. In my case, I went with the NATO standard camo pattern, and dropped the khaki tones only using green and faded black/grey.

I hope you enjoy the pics. Cheers.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27, +14 (4 x Iltis and crew)  
28mm+         7 

Bought         8

Progress   +26

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Spectre Miniatures - Ops re-boot and Kill Team

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your respective ends. For anyone familiar with Spectre Operations, you may be familiar with the Spectre Miniatures website as well. I’m not sure which came first, the minis or the ‘operations’…I’m sure someone knows, but this feels somewhat like chicken vs. egg. Regardless, at the end of the day, Spectre Miniatures have been focused on modern to ultra-modern figures and wargaming. 

They have tried other ventures/elements of their ‘brand’ to varying success, but one thing I did not know was that they had a license on Spectre Operations the ruleset. Now, if I remember it all correctly (apologies if I do not), they did not extend their license on the ruleset over a year ago an instead went into partnership with another gaming provider/studio. The next thing they did was announce a pre-order for an updated version of Spectre Operations mid-last year, which is what brings me here today. As an assisted birthday gift to myself, I opted in on that piece of the action, securing a very spiffy looking pre-order carrot (the Nomad), also picked up a Kill Team pack of 6 figs. I have finally gotten the time to finish up those 7 figures and post them up.

The Kill Team was an interesting pack, and definitely perfect for anything NBC Warfare related…or any slick heist movie or some such. I took a long look at google and found some really good pics of Soviet Cold War era suits and masks that were rather inspirational. I tried my hand at 3 different colours, the blue-green definitely standing out from the others (brown violet/olive drab and Russian uniform).

The Nomad figure was a very clean sculpt and the figure came out of the box in great shape.There was an annoying sculpt line from the 3d print, but otherwise, was a very smooth figure. I settled on a mix of colours for this guy…camo pattern trousers, straight Russian Uniform green for the tunic, and a quick pattern on his carbine. All in all, a very enjoyable figure to paint up and I have no doubt that they would fit very well in a variety of rulesets and settings. 

And in the modern theme, I also happened to drop by my LGS and snag an African Squad box for INCOUNTRY and the folks at Enemy Spotted Studios (I’ll be posting this squad in a few posts).

Enjoy the pics!

The group shot…Nomad on the right.

Kill Team

The Nomad.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         13         
28mm+        7 (6 x Kill Team, 1 x Nomad)

Bought         8 (ESS Squad box) 

Progress   +12

Sunday 31 March 2024

Team Yankee - Soviet VDV BMD's

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your respective fronts. I gotta say, I'm not really digging this minimal snow-early spring weather...I do miss the subzero temps and white stuff on the ground. I'll have to find some way to manage...

As mentioned in my last post, I had been busy like Bob T. Builder putting vehicles together from the various boxes that I've bought over the past few years. At the tops of my list, and in line with some future Northern Dawn scenario ideas, I thought I'd start my painting with the VDV folks and their battlefield rides.

The models themselves went together fairly smooth, I think I had minimal issues...I guess I could re-read my post to verify...

Yup...fairly smooth. They painted up really nicely as well and I have to say it was very enjoyable painting up Soviet vehicles in something other than green...the camo pattern was a nice diversion. I think I stuck fairly close to the pattern in the Red Dawn book, but also reflected some of the reality that I saw when I did my googling. Either way, definitely some randomness to the elements reflecting the general pattern.

Here are a few pics - trying to show some of the straight on, overhead, side profiles, rear aspect, and in-closer views to give a few perspectives on the camo pattern…I hope you enjoy the pics.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         13 (BMD's and crew)         

Bought       00  

Progress   +13

Thursday 7 March 2024

Can We Build It [them]?? Heck Yeah!

Hey folks,

I guess I could have also called this post, "where the hell did February go?!?" I did get some painting done, but for the most part I spent the last month gluing my fingers together. Like, seriously together...I'm not going to lie, there were some dicey moments, and a lot of skin growing…and maybe harnessing my inner Bob the Builder.

But in the end, I put all of the vehicles from the Red Dawn VDV box together (3 x T64's, 9 x BMD-1, and 3 x BTRD...I think), I then moved on to Ryan's Leathernecks (3 x M60 tanks and 6 x humvees), the remains of the Hammerfall box (3 x T-64's), and the Complete Starter Box (2 x BMP, 2 x Bradley, 3 x M1's, 2 x M60's, 4 x T80's, and 3 x T64's)...

So many stuck digits...but I got them all together and have started putting the brush to the BMD's.

All that to say, hope all is well...enjoy March and the ungoddly weather amongst us.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Battle Report & First Thoughts - Danger Close

Howdy folks,

I hope everyone is doing well. As the title says, this is a 'quick' (albeit a long one) battle report on the Danger Close ruleset from Empress Miniatures as well as some initial thoughts on how they work and impressions. I played the game a few days ago and have had a chance to also collect a few other thoughts on the whole here goes:

First, the ruleset comes in super light at only 4 pages...and if you're not using any vehicles or large assets it is literally 2 pages. The made thumbing of pages trying to look things up is not really a factor in this game; at the same time, there are a few small gaps in concepts or defined terms - personally I was really good with that, it gave me a chance to be creative or go with what jumped to mind. 

Second, the game is a straight up d-20 affair, and relies heavily on calculated dice mod's +/- to applicable rolls. 

Third, in terms of who's who, the game breaks that down to a quick stat line per figure - with the most important stat being what is the Skills & Drills for that individual figure. YUP, these are for individual figures or characters if you want to do a narrative campaign thing. This made it pretty easy as S&D's drive everything in the game (number of actions you can take, modifiers, and who goes first), but also keeps the figure count relatively low...lots of metal/resin/plastic to control, so the suggestion from Empress is 20 figs or less.

Fourth, it does help to have some knowledge of military/combatant organization or load-out; but conversely, don't let that stop you. Have some belligerents in mind and kit them out accordingly - so you could have some creative license.

Bottom Line: I liked was a lot of figs to manage for a first go, I made some mistakes, had to ad-lib a little, but really liked the flow and how it went. I hadn't looked at the ruleset in sometime, dove right in and had a 17 figure game in about 2.5 hours.

The Setup:

I didn't think far enough ahead to have any set that kinda developed as I rolled along. The terrain was extremely rudimentary as I also wanted to see how forms scaled with the figures and overall look and mechanics. So this was also a terrain build planning exercise.

Basic objective: Regular force (tier1/2 operators) converge on insurgent/militant/criminal safehouse. In this instance it was a sweep and clear operation or similar.

Good guys: Operators, broken into 2 loose teams; Team #1 was 3 pers, with silenced weapons; Team #2 ended up having the SOF Commander and 3 operators without silenced weapons. As these were SAS, SEALS, or JTF'ers they had 4 and 5 for S&D's (5 is the max). So this crew is built for speed and action.
From left to right: Boomer (5 points, M4 w/grenade launcher - team #2), Slick Pete (5 pts, M4 and silenced pistol - team #1), Face (5 pts, SOF Cmd, M4); Thud (4 pts, silenced M4), Swing Joe (4 pts, M4, pistol and tomahawk), Thump (4 pts, M4 and shotgun), and Fabio (4 pts, FN Minimi SAW).

Bad guys: The Milli Vanilli crew, mix of S&D's from 1 to 4, variety of kit but predominantly AK's, no body armour; 10 figures total, not grouped into teams but a variety of functions and placements on the map.
From left to right: Map Jerry (3 points, AK w/grenade launcher), Captain K (the bossman, 4 pts, SMG), 1-Eye Will (3 pts, AK), Walkin' Pete (2 points, Dragunov), Tower Tom (kneeling, 2 pts, AK), Carl (2 pts, AK), Mobile Mike (cell phone, 2 pts, AK), Helmet Hal (1 pt, RPD), Mark (1 pt, Dragunov), and Beret Boris (wearing a...beret...1 pt, RPD).

The table:

As marked on the pic, the compund/safehouse is 3 buildings with 1 guard tower. There are 2 vehicles, with one backed into the Garage. Tower Tom is in the tower, Beret Boris in the Garage, Mobile Mike is near the blue van, and Walkin' Pete is pulling sentry duty. The rest of the crew is in the main house, the higher skilled folks are having a meeting, making a plan; the remainder are in the next room grabbing some racktime. 

The dice are there to denote doors (6's) and windows (anything else, but then I changed this to 4's). The green shaded areas are brush and forest (so light-ish ground terrain, impedes movement) with the general idea that everything is just a smidge lower than the tower - so relatively easy to stay out of line of sight.

The Game:

The view from the left side of the table for Team #1, and right side for Team #2. The plan is pretty simple, stay in cover and move converge on each side of the table. I realized mid-way through turn 1 that I had all silenced weapons on the left side. 

I was randomly rolling for the movement of Walkin' Pete and Tower Tom, whether they would turn left and right, and then make their own actions accordingly. For Tower Tom that kept him looking in the wrong direction for almost the entire not a lot of use having Tom on watch. Funny enough, Walkin' Pete had started heading towards Team #1, but rolled to move the other direction and kept on going towards the tower.

Before you can shoot, you have to spot the target first. This worked relatively well for the SOF dudes, and not so well for the Milli Vanilli's, they only had 1 successful spot. If equipped with radios, then you could make a roll to pass on any successful spot to the rest of the team...this ended up working well. Spotting is kept until the target breaks LOS with all team bonus!
So, in the pic above, we see Team #1 keep working their way up, making it to the edge of the brush and trees. They would hold here for a spell, getting into shooting position, spotting targets, and reporting to the rest of the team.

View of Tower Tom, looking at the vans...poor Tom, and Team #2's progress on the right side. For the most part they stayed close together at the start and would then break into two 2-man elements and ingress to the structures.

Overhead drone can see that Walkin' Pete has made it to the DHL van, Mobile Mike finally rolled to start moving and heads towards the main house. Tower Tom is spotted, but only by 1 team member, comms issue and he failed the 5+ roll to tell the team, sigh...but all the others in the open are spotted and position reported to the team. And the arrows show the SOF movements...on the right, you have 2 operators by the guard tower, 2 moving up along the treeline just short of the shed. On the left side, all operators are now on the edge of the brush and treeline.

Closer view from the right side...

and the left side...

Tower Tom is finally reported to the rest of the team; SOF moves on the right: 1 operator on overwatch (red and blue die), 2 move in behind the blue van (out of LOS of Tom), and 1 in behind the shed.

Alternate view of the above actions.

Thud is lining up for a shot on Tom from within cover...spoiler, he misses...luckily he's using a silenced weapon and no one was alerted.

This pic is just before things go somewhat wrong...if I remember correctly, shots are fired, but the noise alerts Captain K, Jerry, and 1-eye...

1-eye Will points to where he hears the noise...

Lots of quick action...2 operators move behind the garage and stack up near the backdoor. 2 others are behind the blue van and lay down some fire on Walkin' Pete and Mobile Mike (who are both seriously wounded)...Mike fails the subsequent stress roll and surrenders to the SOF troops, getting up against the side of the van.

Alternate view and other moves...Team #1 takes out Tower Tom, and they start their move towards covering positions near the tower. Beret Boris lets loose with a burst of fire from his RPD and misses Boomer and Thud by the VW van. Boomer has enough of that and fires his grenade launcher at the house. The sleeping troops in the house are woken by the RPD fire and jump out of bed to join the action.

Anyone within 4 inches is hit and rolls for injury (point of green pen is impact area, 4 inches is up to the black band at the top of the pen)...Captain K and 1-eyed Will are lightly wounded, Map Jerry is seriously wounded, and Mark is lightly wounded as well (although he would end up in the corner of the room from failed stress roll. Captain K, peeved off, runs out the door of the house to let loose with his SMG. Helmet Hal, with his 1 action moves to the doorway.

Another flurry of action...SOF'ers move through the garage and take aim at Captain K, taking him down as he gets out the door (he does fire a burst, but it has not effect). 1-eyed Will moves to the gapping hole in the house and jumps through, and falls to overwatch fire from Slick Pete. From inside the house, Carl jumped out the backdoor and was immediately taken out by overwatch fire from Thud.

More action, SOF Cmd Face rushes the open door near the fallen Captain K, and drops Map Jerry with well aimed fire. Boomer rushes past 1-eyed and sprays the inside of the building. Slick Pete gets to the doorway, opens the door, and puts a couple of rounds into Helment Hal before he can react - definite difference between in S&D, 4v1.

Subsequent moves...SOF converges and consolidates on the house. Swing Joe gets into the house and drops Mark in the corner of the room. Thud jumps in through the backdoor and provides cover into the house. Fabio rolls around the corner of the VW van and secures Mobile Mike for recovery.

THOUGHTS: all in all a very enjoyable game...yes, I did decide on running through it last minute, hence the improvised markers and 'measuring' template <cough, green pen>. I think this will also serve as a good scenario to playtest some other rulesets and then I have a proper baseline to compare against.

Take care folks.