Friday 4 October 2024

Currahee - Flames of War US Airborne

Howdy folks,

Happy October and all that spooky stuff. Fresh off of my last post, and my fantastic ability to get distracted, I thought I would post a progress pic of my Flames of War US Parachute force. Inspired heavily by Band of Brothers and the anniversary of Market Garden (nope, I can’t explain why now), I have finished up my first platoon for the force.

As mentioned last post, this platoon comes from the initial plastic sculpts released by Battlefront inside of their Open Fire turned Hit The Beach starter box. I am currently working through a second platoon of metal figs from the first release of the US Parachute Company box and it has been interesting to see the difference in the sculpts, but also to see how far Battlefront’s plastic figures have come along.

The main con that I have is that the first kick at plastics have some pretty epic “flash” on the figures, particularly between the arms and torso. I call it flash only because I don’t know the plastic equivalent, regardless this plastic excess is really tough to deal with and in most cases (definitely in mine) I cannot bevel it out. The second con I have, and this is for the prone MG figures, they originally came in 2 different pieces for each pose and they went together poorly. From what I’ve seen of the latest release of the plastics, they have gone away from that initial method and gone to a solid singular molded piece. 

The main pro’s…dynamic poses with a great amount of detail on the faces…dynamic poses with arm and leg articulation…and they paint up so well.

Anywho, here are the pics…I decided to go with a post D-day/Market Garden uniform colour.

Take care.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         131, +31 (para platoon including 60mm mortar)
28mm+       43


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +168

Saturday 28 September 2024

No Shortage of Distractions - Airborne

Howdy folk.

I hope the summer has come and gone well for everyone. I cannot believe that we are already hitting the end of September. I thought I’d pop a quick post so that I have at least one for the month. I haven’t been sitting still, work is, well…work. Never a dull moment and always busy. In between those times, I have been continuing to put paint to brush a brush to figures.

With September upon us, it was rather fitting that I found my way into catching up on a classic as well as a really great mini/limited series. Both of which came about because I got sudden inspiration to dig into the bowels of lead mountain and pull out some of the last frames from the Battlefront “Open Fire”…which I guess has become replaced by “Hit the Beach.” I had finished a large portion of this box years ago, but had left the infantry alone. So, I went in and grabbed the US airborne platoon that came in the box..and while I was there, I pulled out a purchase I made many years ago and was keeping in wait until the time was right.

So, September was the perfect time to watch “A Bridge Too Far”, which I had not seen in quite some time.

As always, a classic with an amazing ensemble cast. Watching this led me to my Open Fire box…which led me to painting up the US troops, which led me to “Band of Brothers” which has similarly led me to the first US Parachute Company box, the one that came out with 3 platoons. 

So, distractions…yeah, I’ve got tons of them…but am having fun painting up some figs that I found pretty intimidating to paint years ago. And which is starting to lead me back to Flames of War. So yeah, got that going for me. I’ll see if I can take some progress pics.

Take care folks. 

Friday 23 August 2024

Red Dawn - Soviet Airborne VDV

Hey folks,

I hope the week has been well for you on our respective side of the internets. Just a quick post to bring in the weekend, I finally got around to finishing up the BTR’s and the troops from the Red Dawn VDV BMD Assault Battalion. It doesn’t feel that long ago that I finished the BMD’s and its a good feeling to get the AAA and grunts finished.

The BTR’s are resin and metal…and I think I preferred the plastic BMD’s…the prep on them felt about the same and the metal figures painted up really well. All in all it didn’t take to much time to get the 2 platoons finished, along with the special Red Dawn command stand, and I think they look great…even with all their berets. I think I would’ve preferred a mix of headgear…but they look really movie cool,so there’s at least that.

The box came with some extra command figs, Officer and radioman, so I did them up as singletons for Force on Force and whatever other modern ruleset I can fit figs into.

Anywho, here goes with the pics…enjoy.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         100, +51
28mm+       43


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +137

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Painting Update - 15mm Odds & Sods

Howdy folks,

I hope your end of summer is going well. I know some folks are literally wading through a buttload of precipitation and rainfall, so best of luck to them, here’s to keeping dry in challenging times. This is a quick post to showcase some pieces that I was able to get off the painting table recently…and it’s kinda neat because the majority of them are some old-school Battlefront/Flames of War ‘bailed-out’ crew markers/figures.

I was rooting through my bits boxes in the past few months and found a few figures from various US, UK, Soviet, and Germany blisters from the early years of my dip into the hobby. Anywho, given that FoW stopped including bailed crew, I thought I’d paint these up for Force on Force and themed to include Afropia as well as the standard modern warfare settings. 

You can see a few of these figures are sporting Desert Yellow coloured headgear…that’s in line with FoF to discriminate the leaders from the line troops. I think these figs will do great as resistance fighters for WW2 or postwar, criminal elements, or militants for Afropia.

Enjoy the pics…

I had found a couple of random leftover figs…front rank has SMG packing soviet soldat and Commonwealth warrior from Battlefront’s Monte Cassino warrior pack.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         49, +22 
28mm+       43


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +86

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Marvel Crisis Protocol - Battle Report

Hey folks,

Here’s hoping that the summer is treating you all well. Looking at the month of July pushing to an end, it feels like the summer is flying by. A few weeks back, I had the chance to get a game of Marvel Crisis Protocol in with Mike and Duncan. Not only a great chance to get together but also gave me the chance to get a team of bad guys on the table.

Now, to be fair…I honestly an’t remember all the finer details…but here’s what I do recall. The game plan was pretty simple…about 15-17 points of threat per team, a couple of mission objectives, and away we go…i guess, went…


The happiest and classiest crew in town: Green Goblin, Ghost Rider, Doctor Octopus, and the Rhino.

The setup and initial deployment…Mike on the left with the Sentinels, Duncan at the top of the pic with the Soviet Avengers (I can never remember their name), and me on the right with the Spiderman fan club + 1…Red markers are things to grab a hold of and carry, they can cause damage if the character holding it generates too much energy. And the blue markers are portals…secure/hold a portal, build up points.

Initial moves by Duncan, brings up his Russian Bear, the Black Widow heads for the portal…

The Green Goblin and Rhino move up on my side; the Goblin is heading for one of the red energy markers. The Rhino is just making his way forward, one S at a time…

Mike makes his move on the left with his big damned Sentinels…by this point, Doc Oc is securing the portal (with the side effect that it flames out folks who are securing it)…GhostRider gets into the action and sizes up one of the Sentinels.

The Rhino literally gets dragged into the back alley by one of Duncan’s Soviet mind warriors…again, can’t remember the name…the Green Goblin remains the happiest guy in the game, he is literally flying around with a huge grin. 

One of the Sentinels decides to try the Doc on for size…the Doc has some laser arm attacks that are pretty amazing.

The Rhino continues his foray into the back alley, trying out his charge attack…

The Goblin tries out his pumpkin attacks on Mike’s Sentinel

The Goblin is turning and burning around the streets…Doc continues to hold the portal, and GhostRider keeps trying out rando attacks. The lower pic is an overview of the current action…

If I remember correctly, at this point, multiple characters have been taking boatloads of damage and we’re flipping cards.

A great size comparison shot of the Doc and those nasty Sentinels.

By the end of the game, we had gotten about 6-7 turns in…it was a bit of a slugfest, lots of characters taking damage and getting close to getting taken out of the game. With victory points, I think Mike came in tops, then myself, and Duncan fairly close. All in all, a good game, great chance to get figs on the table…and the Spider Friends were a lot of fun.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Painting Update - Enemy Spotted Studios

Howdy folks,

Here’s hoping that the summer is treating you all well so far. The weather here has definitely been on the warm side, especially for a guy who really likes winter weather. So with the remnants of Beryl projected to make its way north, I thought I’d post the latest batch of figs to come off the workbench.

I picked up a blister of African Regulars from Enemy Spotted Studios; 8 figures that have some pretty dynamic poses to them. I really like the team leader pose. Anywho, I wasn’t sure how to paint them up,so I hit the google for some inspiration. Looking at various pics of Kenyan, Nigerian, and South African troops I ended up settling on a bit of a mix between them…but if I had to narrow it down, I’d say the paint scheme was leaning more to the Nigerian side.

The figures themselves look really great. Like I said, they are pretty dynamic. I did have some issues with assembly and arms lining up with hands…that kind of thing…but I’m really happy with how they painted up and the results.

Enjoy the pics.

You can see the leader in the front rank, second from the right with his left arm pointing forward.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       43, +8


Terrain          2

Bought          8

Progress   +64

Sunday 30 June 2024

Painting Update - Scatter Terrain

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on this CanadaDay long weekend; happy birthday CANADA!! The work and painting tempo have been rather busy as of late, but unfortunately that has meant little time to post. I thought I’d give a quick update on my progress with terrain. 

On the heels of my CanGames prep, I am getting around to finishing off the pieces from The Walking Dead terrain pack from Mantic. As well I just finished up a vehicle from the Marvel Crisis Protool New York City terrain box. And, I finally finished a piece I’ve had for some time, a Reaper gun locker that I painted up inspired by a Hyperion weapon box from the Borderlands video game.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the pics. Take care folk, and stay safe on Canada’s bday!

From Mantic’s The Walking Dead, terrain box released a few years back…some great pieces adaptable to many genres.

From the MCP NYC Terrain Box, one of the cars that was included in the original core box.

A weapons locker from Reaper…

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       35, +9


Terrain          2

Bought          8

Progress   +56