Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts

Friday, 29 July 2022

Painting Update - Basing Colours

Howdy Folks,

Happy end July to everyone...the month has surprisingly gone by very quickly, and definitely seen some interesting weather come through the province. The last week has been especially interesting given how much changing air pressure messes with my injuries...and last nights weather really was quite something to watch. Luckily all safe here, most of the really 'interesting' stuff developed south and east of us, and I hope all is safe where you are interneting.

For this post, I thought I would give a psuedo painting update and quick tutorial or guide on how I paint up my bases. The idea came for this came from a Reddit post I saw where someone was looking for some advice on getting more texture and colour out of their base painting. I've done this before in the past with some Cold War Infantry from Battlefront, as you will see at the link and below, I definitely have a system and standard-ish scheme that I like to use.

Hope this is of us...have a good one.

All figures are from Empress Miniatures and unless stated I'm using Vallejo, from left to right I have 3 different colours. Base colour is Burnt Umber, then dryish brush of Flat Earth, and then a dryer brush of Beige Brown.

I then had the idea of just putting the paint bottle behind the figure so you could see the name of the paint and the progress of the layers. So as above, left to right, with the inclusion of a standing sniper at the bottom of the pic. In this case, the base layer is still Burnt Umber and then dryish of Desert Yellow.

So you can see the next layer for each model, again left to right with Flat Earth for prone sniper, Beige Brown for green jacket, and Tan Earth for green toque.

Progressing the figs...I'm now adding Iraqi Sand for green toque, a fairly dry brush of that, I don't want it to overpower, just to lighten a little.

For my standing sniper, I thought I'd catch up...Desert Yellow was layer two, and then a dry brush of Iraqi Sand to make stuff next step will be to flock and'll see the finished figure on a follow-up post.

Just catching the other figures can see Tan Earth for the prone dude, and Iraqi Sand now for green jacket.

For prone dude, I added some Army Painter Strong Tone to the base and I'm just hitting creases and areas that I want shadowed tone. Helps to break up the terrain from the figure and give some depths, especially to the improvised wall he has built up in front of him.
Overhead shot...just trying to capture the various tones and shades...

And in case anyone is curious on what I used for these bases, I do often use Citadel technical paints...I really do like the, they're pretty handy and makes some of the basework easier...especially when I am feeling lazy and don't want to break out my filler or sand.

Again, hope this is of help...Cheers!

Friday, 10 June 2022

Customer Service Shout-out: 6 Squared Studios

Howdy everyone, 

I hope you are having an excellent Friday. I just wanted to throw out a quick post of thanks to the folks over at 6 Squared Studios and some really great service that I got from them recently. Just over a week ago I made an order with these folks to get some of their MDF bases...I seem to be running short and I recently snagged a bunch of figures from Empress Miniatures and am giving Spectre Miniatures a try.

Anyway, not only was I short of bases, I also needed a few different sizes to accommodate the various figures that I picked up. So, like I said I made my order just over a week ago, about 3-4 days later I got an email from them saying that the order was processed (200 round bases, 10 larger rounds, 10 rectangles). I looked up the service standards for Canada Post and was ready to have them show up in my mailbox by today (Friday 10 June)...

Much to my surprise, they showed up 3 days ago and they were issue-free. So again, I just wanted to give these folks a shout-out and thanks!.

2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               30
28mm+             23
Bought              23, +13 (Empress and Spectre)

Progress          +30

Thursday, 31 December 2020

The 8th Post Over Christmas...

For my eighth post over Christmas,
I thought I would write up for you...
An 8 (-ish) step tutorial...
...for basing the figures you do...

7 Harry Potter figures...
6 Marvel Characters (heroes and/or villains)...

FIVE MAIN CHARACTERS...<cough...from the Night’s Watch starter set>

2 figures from Studio Miniatures; and
1 from HassleFree.
Hello folks,
For anyone that has followed religiously, you may recall that late summer I finally got around to basing my Canadian grunts and Soviet rifles for Team Yankee. Given that this is a special project for me I really wanted to take my time on this and make sure next steps, painting, etc were deliberate and achieved my goal.

From this work though, and to be honest, because I needed something that roughly fit into the 8th day slot, I thought I would write up a quick tutorial and guide showing my colour progression for my bases including flocking.
As always, I hope all you enjoy the post and that all is well...happy New Year to you, may 2021 be a good one for you all...we'll see how close I can get to #12 by the time the ball drops!!

The end results first...
1. Battlefront has been recessing their bases for some time now. It takes away the worry over evening out the surface or need for filler, you can get away with a technical paint from Citadel or just glue and sand. In this pic, I started with sand and then went over with some Citadel Stirland Battlemire and then I  quickly laid down some Vallejo burnt umber.

2. After going over the bases with another wet layer of burnt umber, I then added a wet-dry layer of VJ flat earth...I’ve left one base to show the differences in the colours.

3. Next step was to hit the bases with a dry brush of VJ beige brown...I may have gone over a couple of select spots to emphasize the tone...

4. After the beige, I then put a dry layer of VJ tan earth, reducing the amount of coverage from before and certainly from the flat earth layer...

5 & 6. At this point I want to make my last highlight a very sparingly-applied layer of VJ Iraqi sand...which I then follow up with Army Painters strong tone wash...I don’t apply the wash everywhere! Only in those spots where I want to reinforce tones or a feature, but not over the entire base.

7. At this stage you can paint on any other effects you may have, for example...if you have some urban debris, then you could paint up highlights or touch up details. I did this for my Sov’s with random ‘grey’ toned building debris, etc.

8. Finally, you can get any flock down that you’d like...