Showing posts with label Kinsmart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kinsmart. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Even Small Soldiers Need a Ride…

Howdy folks,

Been a bugger of a go lately, but hoping to get some posting momentum going with this one. Just a quick post on some recent purchases I was able to make. As I get further down the 28mm rabbit hole, I was sorely missing vehicles to fill out the battlespace. One of the most common manufacturers I had seen referenced in posts and videos was Kinsmart. 

Kinsmart vehicles are anywhere between 1/36 to 1/48 depending on the specific car or truck being depicted. As well, they definitely have a penchant for depicting higher-end vehicles. So for a modern, ‘scrubby’ looking battlefield you may need to be a little more deliberate on the cars you choose. 

As for sourcing, I had hit the internets pretty hard to see what was available through eBay and the usual online shopping suspects. However, over the past year I have seen more displays popping up at my local shops and big-box stores…so I have had some luck there.

Thus far, my collection has been sourced from Michaels, Metro, and Canadian Tire…all come in around at $10 Canadian each…so not too bad. Anyhow, most of them will be good to go as is, one of the trucks came already weathered (nice touch), and a couple will need some modifications to get the feel that I’m shooting for.

Enjoy the pics. Take care…

Most of the collection, missing a couple of John Wick vehicles. All of them fall from 1/43 down to1/48. There is a surprising variety available in truck models, Dodge, GMC, and Ford.

Pre-weathered…nice touch, bought this one from Canadian Tire…looked like there were at least 3 varieties available.

Here come da fuzz…these will be handy for some future scenarios…I’ll have to modify the Dodge Ram, I don’t have any dog teams in my inventory. The SWAT ‘Tiger’ will fit the bill nicely, but I’ll have to modify the Tan one that I have…want that one to be more SOF looking.