Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 June 2024

Painting Update - Scatter Terrain

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on this CanadaDay long weekend; happy birthday CANADA!! The work and painting tempo have been rather busy as of late, but unfortunately that has meant little time to post. I thought I’d give a quick update on my progress with terrain. 

On the heels of my CanGames prep, I am getting around to finishing off the pieces from The Walking Dead terrain pack from Mantic. As well I just finished up a vehicle from the Marvel Crisis Protool New York City terrain box. And, I finally finished a piece I’ve had for some time, a Reaper gun locker that I painted up inspired by a Hyperion weapon box from the Borderlands video game.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the pics. Take care folk, and stay safe on Canada’s bday!

From Mantic’s The Walking Dead, terrain box released a few years back…some great pieces adaptable to many genres.

From the MCP NYC Terrain Box, one of the cars that was included in the original core box.

A weapons locker from Reaper…

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       35, +9


Terrain          2

Bought          8

Progress   +56

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Cangames Prep - Odds and Bits of Terrain

Hey everyone,

Hope all is well on your respective fronts. Given that I have been a little pre-occupied for the last few weeks, this is just a quick post to plant the May-post flag onto the blog. The good news to this tragic tale, that I have been prepping figs, painting up terrain pieces, and scratch building some terrain for a game that I'm putting on for CanGames this upcoming weekend!

The game will be using the Danger Close rules, adapting them for the con and my memory...right now planning for 4 players who will have between 3-5 figures each. I have gone back and forth on what the setting is, I did have plans to have completed a few more buildings so that this was like an isolated farmstead or basecamp. As it turns out, my time was getting taken from me, so I painted up a bunch of 'contingency' terrain pieces so that I could have something if my fabrication was delayed…which wasn’t a bad idea given the past week or so.

So anywho…I ended up fabricating 2 terrain pieces…a shack/cabin in the woods/fallout looking piece, and a larger set-piece that looks more like a garage type structure. They both have removable roofs so the interior can be used and offer some flavour to the table…I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, and I really stepped up the weathering on them.

As well, I did some quick work on some dollar store 1 inch wooden cubes, 3 x sea containers by Reaper, and handful of terrain from Mantic’s Walking Dead terrain box. All in all, really happy with the output.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       26, +19


Terrain          2, +2 (28mm terrain pieces)

Bought          8

Progress   +47

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

The Walking Dead - Another Painting Update

Howdy folks,

I hope that all have had a Merry Christmas and good Holiday Season. In between all of the celebrating, drama, and whatever else the season throws at us, I thought I'd try to gain some posting momentum and highlight some more figures that I've been able to work through.

Continuing on an earlier post from Fall-ish, TWD Painting Update, I have successfully finished the remaining pieces in the Mantic "Days Gone Bye" expansion for their original The Walking Dead game. The expansion was a lot of fun to FINALLY finish up and paint...and as I said before, it offers some figures that could find a home in a variety of genres. 

I guess Mantic is going to be re-releasing TWD in the future, I'll be curious to see if they tweak the game or if it a pure re-release.

That being said, hope you enjoy the pics...this is a rather quick post. Happy Holidays folks!

Trying to get some focus on the Zombie-Police Officer, leaving Zombie-punk somewhat out of frame.

Some cool detail in the zombies...lots of fun to paint up and try out some weathering techniques.


15mm          118
28mm+          55, +3

Bought         131

Progress      +42

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Painting Update - The Walking Dead

Howdy folks,

Hopefully all is well on your end. Over the summer, I tried to make an effort to get back to some figures that had been on the bench for quite some time, and Mantic TWD figures are some that have been waiting a while. Now it has been a while since I’ve gotten in a game of TWD, but I do have a few boxes of figs still waiting to be painted.

The thing that I really like about these figs is that as I have continued to branch out and see other rulesets and game settings, it is handy to have a bunch of non-military or historical figures that can fit into several genres. So one of the side benefits of these figs is that I have this vision of doing a progressive campaign for Zona Alfa and these figs will work well as noobs to the Zone…so a bit more on that to follow in the medium term.

Anywho, the figures themselves are solid…they paint up quite nicely and have some great expressions. Looking at the TWD graphic novels, they definitely follow the novel over the series. Not much else to say on these fellas except, hope you enjoy the pics.

The way I figure it, these figs will be great as introductory newbies to the zone, I have some nice plans for the gent with the long rifle and lens. Will also work really well for some rando armed civilians in a modern setting.


15mm            93
28mm+          42, +3

Bought         131

Progress      +4

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Past Games...Part 2 - Walking Dead and SAGA!

Howdy folks,

Another post, another new month, another snowfall, lol...I think we're supposed to get about a half a foot of snow today, and maybe some rain later this afternoon.  As promised from my last post, here are some more pics of games gone by...this time a little Walking Dead that we played in November/December timeframe and most recently some SAGA in the new year.

The Walking Dead was entertaining as usual; Duncan had an opportunity to showcase some more of his looked very cool...and this time he tried out setting up some alternate objectives for each player rather than the usual slug/shoot fest.

The layout from my crew (a lost family) had the task of searching for some family members who had become separated; we entered from the bottom of the table and headed towards the Blue Motor Inn.  Mike's team entered table right...I think they were a bunch of bikers, etc...and Ed's team entered table left, they were a bunch of rough and tumble convicts looking to make a break for it.
From this angle you can see Ed's crew decked out in orange...their leader looked a little rough so I immediately took the opportunity to put a few rounds into him. I think I put him down after turn 3 or 4...a little proactive defence.
From here you can see Mike's crew...if I recall, for the most part we kept each at length with no exchange of gunfire. The family makes its way to the second floor to look for their lost members.

along the way we find a supply cache with a desert eagle in it...good find!

We successfully find the twins in one of the rooms, but there are zombies to deal with before we can make our egress.  The twins take care of business and the family is reunited.  Over at the gas station, Mike and Ed are having a small tete-a-tete punctuated with shotgun and grenade blasts.

Final shot of the game before I departed...I had a party to get to at my house...Ed's cons rushing into the gas station and contending with some distractions at the same time.  All in all...a very good game.

Early this year, I had the chance to try out SAGA had been some time since I tried it out, but it was great to try the new rules and to get my Crusaders on the table again.

Initial setup...Duncan on my left with a very mobile cavalry type force (can't remember who he was fielding); MIke on my right with a mix of foot and horse (again, can't remember who he was leading); me occupying the difficult to pass "high ground" with my foot heavy force of Crusaders.  Crossbowman deployed in an L with apex facing the bad guys...hearthguard hanging with the boss behind them, and 2 groups of soldiers/knights armed with shields and one handed weapons.  No levies for me.

Looking right...

Looking left...

We really like this hill...

I mean, it feels very comfortable...

And funny enough, first charges and moves look to be directed straight at me...

throwing some bolts at Mike...taking some in return as well...Duncan and Mike sparing outside of my range but well in front of my line.  Mike pushing horse traversing my 6...

Duncan and Mike mixing it up at my 1 O' own knights mixing it up with Duncans troops as well pushing from our sacred hill...

troops moving back and forth...starting to get the hang of the battleboards...

Duncan getting ready to let loose with his cavalry at my stick of knights...

horse everywhere...some mutual swipes at each other...

Duncan heads his cavalry over to do battle with Mike's horse...via my lone stick of was a little punishing.

starting to take some noticeable hits...

Cavalry furballs behind me...

My leader and Duncan's leader drop the gloves and have a donnybrook! If I recall, I rolled fairly well for this and I took his horse and leader down...chalk one up to the grunts!
All in all, another fun go at SAGA...and two excellent games in the end and beginning of the years.

1. some pics of the first painted figs of the year, completed in January and February
2. some pics of a new game I just picked up as well...