Showing posts with label cyberpunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cyberpunk. Show all posts

Friday, 25 March 2022

More Cyber - Monster Fight Club

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your respective frontages. I thought I would take the opportunity to throw a quick painting update on a couple of more Cyberpunk figures from Monster Fight Club. As before, I found these figures to be quite clean and they take paint really well. The hardest part of the process was deciding on the paintjob...and I must say that they definitely evolved while they were on the paint table.

In the end I wanted something that had some colour, and ironically without being too sci-fi' I ended up with an improvised camouflage pattern (similar to some old NZ camo smocks I think) on the one figure and just some classic special ops, brown and green with the other. And as I seem to be doing consistently doing with these figures, I painted on some street/sidewalk texture as opposed to my more routine basing techniques.

I think these figures will definitely find a home in a few genres and 'verses. So, I'm pretty happy with the turnout, enjoy the pics.


2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               8 
28mm+             19, +2
Bought              0

Progress          +27

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

A Few Randoms

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your end. Not too much going on around here, hopefully you are able to get out and enjoy the summer weather wherever you are.

Just a quick post today on a few figures that I was able to get finished up. A friend of mine recently started to bring in some family D&D nights to their household...and asked me if I would paint up a figure for her dungeon crawling.

If I got it right, her character is an Elf mage type wizard/witch kinda being with fire and ice being her main powers...apologies to those out there that actually know the words I was supposed to say but didn't get right. In this iteration of her character (I have a second I need to paint), I chose the fire ability to be the predominant colour with a nod to the ice ability through the blue areas. The biggest stipulation, the figure needed to have green hair.

The second figure I have is another piece from Monster Fight Club...this time a cyberpunky-post apocalyptic clown that really does a great nod to Stephen King's IT. It is a lot of white, but the interspersing of red in model helped break up the 'white noise' that I get when I think of painting stormtroopers. Oh yeah, it also gave me an opportunity to try out some of the Turbodork colours that I won in June's painting contest at Red Dragon.
And the third figure is from Modiphius from their Fallout Wasteland Warfare December I posted 2/3's of the Sanctuary Hills Survivors (the Survivor and Dogmeat). I have finally gotten around to finishing Codsworth. I know, I know...he's literally been on the table within paintbrush reach and I had not gotten to completing until just now. To be honest, I think Codsworth is one of my LEAST favourite characters from Fallout so maybe that had a lot to do with it...but I suffered well and finally got him finished.
I hope you enjoy the pics.



The balloons received the turbodork treatment...for the most part, these colour shift paints all need to have a black basecoat to go over and then apply multiple thin layers of the colour. To try things out, I decided to basecoat the top balloon in white and the other 3 in black. I then applied redrum (white basecoat), blue raspberry, electrum, and redrum (black basecoat)


Lead Mountain 2021
Large scale           3
28mm                  20, +3

Bought                22, +1

Progress              +1

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Cyberpunk Monster Fight Club style...

Hello Everyone,
I hope all is well out there...over the course of last years lockdown I discovered a few new creators and distribution points for miniatures. One of those that were new to me was Monster Fight Club. Since then I have seen some references to kickstarter and thanks to their newsletter I am seeing their latest updates as they go live and to their store.

Inspired by a post I saw on a reddit group, I went over and saw some of the Cyberpunk range that Monster Fight Club has. Liking what I saw and very reminiscent of the original Blade Runner, I picked out a 'Deckard' looking figure that comes with a body suitable enough to look cyborgy for him to loom over if you want to make a diorama of it all...I also grabbed another blister to rationalize the shipping.

Happy to say that these characters made it onto the work bench and offered me a chance to try some different techniques on basing. Specifically, solely painting on street-worn sidewalk and texturing. The figures themselves looked outstanding and were very clean . They painted up nicely and I was able to do a nice homage to Deckard in a pseudo-CSI theme...or given the blue gloves, '2 by 2 hands of blue'...for any browncoats out there...

Anyway, I hope you like the figures, enjoy the pics...and be careful out there <<cue Hill Street Blues music>>

Lead Mountain - 2021
Large scale            2
28mm                    9 +2 (cops)

Bought                  5
Progress              +6