Showing posts with label UN Peackeeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN Peackeeping. Show all posts

Friday, 29 December 2023

Team Yankee - painting update

Howdy folks,

I hope you are able to take some time to rest and recharge over the holidays. I’m still catching up on my backlog of finished minis…almost there, and I thought that I would post some 15mm’s. These are from Battlefront (definitely my 15mm go-to), the Team Yankee and Red Dawn side of the house. The Abram’s come from the Hammerfall box (2 x M1 Abram’s and 3 x T64), the troops are the remainder of the Red Dawn insurgents that I started on earlier this year, and the lone UN ‘blue helmet’ is a leftover Canadian infantry model from the Team Yankee Canuck mech platoon pack.

While I haven’t put a whole lot of thought towards it, I should have no problem fitting the Abram’s into an army list for Team Yankee or Red Dawn. I do have a USMC LAV company that could use some high powered support, and I have my 4CMBG crew that could also do with some more Allied support, not to mention this gives me some heavy metal for any Force Mobile Command list that I might put together for a Canadian homeland force.

The insurgents should find a home in any Force on Force scenario, and in spite of my idleness with Afropia, they could fit in there. Certainly that is where I’m anticipating an appearance from the UN.

Enjoy the pics. 


15mm          133, +15
28mm+          55

Bought         131

Progress      +57

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Painting Update

Hello Everyone,
I trust all is well in your areas of influence. Just a quick post today with a truly random collection of figures that I've painted up over the past little bit. These wasn't a particular focus in mind when I went through each of these, and you'll see by the pictures there really is not a cohesive connection between them. Simply put, they were on the table, and they needed painting.
Take care. Here are a few pics...

A remnant from the assembly of my Royal Canadian Dragoons force for Team Yankee, I had an extra Leopard 1 tank kicking around assembled and in need of a paintjob. As I'm starting to put some thought to an Imagi-Nations setting I am anticipating that there will be a need for some sturdy peacekeepers to hold the line somewhere in the region. As such, my blue helmets will have some white metal to bring to the conflict resolution table.

If I recall correctly, these glowy ghouls were originally from a convention special and then they went on the Modiphius's shopsite in the early days of lockdown. Given that they didn't require any painting for the figures, the bases were the only thing that needed some love. They're straight out of Fallout and will be perfect for any post-apoc and radioactive setting ala Zona Alfa.

A few-ish years back, I picked up a superheroes blister from Knight Models that was on sale at FDB Boutique. Now, I am a bigfan of the sculpts for Marvel Crisis Protocol, but regardless I still have some heroes to paint up. Originally, I was going to use a similar technique as what I had painted up my MCP Ironman previous, however after visiting Red Dragon over the past summer I picked up Turbodork's Redrum...which as Dan told me was "Ironman in a bottle" say the least, he was right. I brought the paint home, put a fresh black base coat on 'little' Ironman and hit him with some Redrum. I gotta say, Dan was spot on!! For the silver metallic, I used vj gunmetal and nuln oil overtop. For the bronzey-gold elements I used the same technique that I did on MCP Ironman.

Finally, I picked up some figs in 2020 from Monster Fight Club, amongst them was an IT inspired Pennywise...I actually picked up 2. I painted one already, here which I painted up ala Pennywise. For the second, I was going to go with the clown from American Horror Story, but was instead struck by inspiration and instead painted this one up ala Homey the Clown from In Living Colour. The figure was a lot of fun, especially trying to capture the Homey look...and the balloons were a great test of my wet blending different shades. All in all, good fun.

Anywho...I hope you enjoyed the pics.

2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               8, +1 (Leopard tank)
28mm+             4, +4 (homey the clown, 2 x ghouls, ironman)
Bought              0
Progress          +12