Howdy folk,
Todays post is all about painting up some figures with the idea of trying a few things out, making it so they fit in a few different game settings, and just working towards some small projects that I have stewing in the brainpan. On top of that, I found another find and got some discount Flames of War, so yeah…getting a variety of troops and settings off the work bench.
Anyone that has been reading the posts for the past year or so may remember my imagi-nation, the region of Afropia. While I have not gamed anything for that yet, I have continued to run a lot of mechanics and variables for those little countries in my head, all the while keeping mindful of the force structure and framework that would be applicable. The recent militia pack released by Battlefront as part of Red Dawn was an excellent source for insurgenty type figures that had a different setting or theme. Admittedly thanks to the GWOT and recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan a lot of insurgent figures are themed around Middle East themes…thankfully with the militia pack, I can add some variety to my little angry forces. As such, I base a half dozen or so for Force on Force (because thanks to CanGames, I’m really itching to FoF again) and go from there. So you will see these figs have red and/or yellow markings on them to highlight that they are either support or leaders…or in the case of Pswayze, both.
On top of that, my force structure for Petoriastan includes a large amount of WW2 era vehicles, so I was able to do up a box of M7 Priests that will work for any Canadian WW2 force that I want to field, as well as a post-WW2 Petoriastan artillery unit. So, win-win.
Finally, I had bought a Soviet T-34 tank many years back to go with a WW2 Soviet force that I had in mind, so not only will that work for my Afropia setting (as either part of Alarus or Oponwana) as well as formation commander for a Soviet T34 Battalion. So again, win-win.
I hope you enjoy the pics and will see you soon.
Insurgents for FoF or Danger Close ruleset…maybe even Spectre Operations…Pswayze rocking the leadership and the RPD…
WW2 and post M7 Priests…a few minor mods on the stowage that they’re sporting. Saw quite a few reference photos that showed the wooden planks in the front of the vehicle holding various kit in line.
The trusty ole T34, star of Soviet Russia and post WW2 puppets…
15mm 93, +20
28mm+ 39
Bought 131, +10 (the priests)
Progress +1