Showing posts with label Red Dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Dragon. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Last Post of the Year - Modern and Old West

Hey folks,

For the final post of the year, I thought I’d share with you a few figures that I just recently finished. I finally got some Great Escape Games figures off the workbench and put some paint to them and a few figures that I happened upon at my LGS, from Enemy Spotted Studios (ESS).

The Great Escape Games figures were originally released as part of their Dead Man’s Hand game, and with the re-release, I’m sure they’ll figure in the game again…not to mention they’ll work with any other Old West game. It was good to finally get to these figures, I’ve had them for a number of years…and it made a great reason to watch a western or two - Young Guns and Hell on Wheels definitely had some good characters to be inspired by. Buckshot Roberts looks pretty much like Brian Keith’s character in Young Guns, and Common’s as Elam Ferguson in Hell on Wheels looks a near spitting image to the Ely Fergus, and the Preacher - well there are too many to list by name, but are some great examples on the Silver Screen.

Enemy Spotted Studios is a company that is totally new to me. I discovered them online end-summer/early fall and their two lines In-Country (ultra modern) and Killwager (sci-fi). They are a US based company with physical and digital store offering on-demand physical models and STLs - what I particularly like about the company is that the figures have a very dynamic look and appeal, and the company’s business model is to support Veterans causes with a 10% portion being donated to Vet’s programs. As well, they offer their rulesets as free digital downloads on their website. I was pretty happy to see some inventory when I was at Red Dragon a while back, and a little disappointed when I dropped by a few weeks ago and saw that everything had been sold…a good problem to have for ESS, but a little disappointing nonetheless. Anywho, I bought their INX Security Team blister, 4 unique figures each with a very dynamic pose. They were a lot of fun to paint up.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year, all the best, and enjoy the pics.


15mm          133
28mm+          62, +7

Bought         131

Progress      +64

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

A Few Randoms

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your end. Not too much going on around here, hopefully you are able to get out and enjoy the summer weather wherever you are.

Just a quick post today on a few figures that I was able to get finished up. A friend of mine recently started to bring in some family D&D nights to their household...and asked me if I would paint up a figure for her dungeon crawling.

If I got it right, her character is an Elf mage type wizard/witch kinda being with fire and ice being her main powers...apologies to those out there that actually know the words I was supposed to say but didn't get right. In this iteration of her character (I have a second I need to paint), I chose the fire ability to be the predominant colour with a nod to the ice ability through the blue areas. The biggest stipulation, the figure needed to have green hair.

The second figure I have is another piece from Monster Fight Club...this time a cyberpunky-post apocalyptic clown that really does a great nod to Stephen King's IT. It is a lot of white, but the interspersing of red in model helped break up the 'white noise' that I get when I think of painting stormtroopers. Oh yeah, it also gave me an opportunity to try out some of the Turbodork colours that I won in June's painting contest at Red Dragon.
And the third figure is from Modiphius from their Fallout Wasteland Warfare December I posted 2/3's of the Sanctuary Hills Survivors (the Survivor and Dogmeat). I have finally gotten around to finishing Codsworth. I know, I know...he's literally been on the table within paintbrush reach and I had not gotten to completing until just now. To be honest, I think Codsworth is one of my LEAST favourite characters from Fallout so maybe that had a lot to do with it...but I suffered well and finally got him finished.
I hope you enjoy the pics.



The balloons received the turbodork treatment...for the most part, these colour shift paints all need to have a black basecoat to go over and then apply multiple thin layers of the colour. To try things out, I decided to basecoat the top balloon in white and the other 3 in black. I then applied redrum (white basecoat), blue raspberry, electrum, and redrum (black basecoat)


Lead Mountain 2021
Large scale           3
28mm                  20, +3

Bought                22, +1

Progress              +1

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Another Painting Contest Down - Main Man Fred

 Hello all,

Jumping on my recent success with February’s painting contest with Red Dragon, I thought I’d keep up the momentum and try this ‘thing’ out again. For the most part, I think entry requirements were pretty much the same: purchase a 3D printed piece from their catalogue or (this time) purchase a certain amount of warhammer stuff and you’re good to go.

For this go, I ended up choosing a great looking bust of Freddy Krueger…not only did it look great, but my wife was a big Elm Street fan, so that helped the decision. It also gave a great excuse to rewatch the original Nightmare for the requisite research.

I’m happy to say the research and efforts paid off and I walked away with a win for Fred and an awesome Turbodork paintset for my efforts. I hope you enjoy the pics (I had to take a buttload for the contest).

Lead Mountain - 2021
Large scale            3, +1 (Freddy)
28mm                    9

Bought                  6, +1 (Freddy)
Progress              +6

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Painting Contest - a different direction

 Howdy folks,

I hope all is going well...we are in our third wave, so I hope you are all coping well and getting some outdoor exercise time! Earlier this year, my newest LGS, Red Dragon Games, posted on their instagram that they were going to hold a contest for February. In spite of the lock downs and various restrictions, the folks at Red Dragon adapted very well and the contest went off, mostly as planned.

The cost to enter was the purchase of a 3D printed model from their inventory...they have an excellent selection of models for print on demand. For this I elected a very 'simple' looking zombie hand and a warhammery-kriegsy-cyberpunky looking skull. I'm sure its from some fandom and 'verse somewhere, but I have no idea...but it looked really cool.

For the most part, I have steered clear of painting contests...partially due to humility and always knowing there are others who paint better than I...partially due to previous experience (I entered a contest at a convention, unfortunately they put all the figs in a corner away from not really ideal exposure, especially since it was a vote based judgement, and another was online, vote based, and quickly degenerated into spam accounts, flame mails, etc...).

Happy to say though, the end result was a win for my Zombie hand and an honourable mention for the skull, and some great looking figures posted on the store's instagram account. For the painting, it was a lot of fun, definitely a different direction, and painting on a much different scale (pun-intended). And yes, there is another contest on the horizon for yeah, I've got my figures, I just have to get painting.

Enjoy some pics! Take care.

Lead Mountain - 2021

large scale        +2 (zombie hand, skull)

Bought:           +2

Progress:        even steven