Showing posts with label German. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Cangames Battle Report #1 - Trench Raiders

Howdy folks,

I took part in the recent Cangames convention that happens in Ottawa every May long weekend.  As always, there were some great tables, some great games, and a lot of folks seemed to have a good time.  Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to get to my desired end-state of running a game myself and given a few holes in the schedule, an extra miniatures/historical game or two would have served the con well.

Regardless, I did have a good time and enjoyed immensely the 3 games I took part in ...So, in the interest of getting these pictures online for the GM, I am starting backwards this year with my last game as my first report. 

The last game I played in was a Great War trench raider scenario with an adapted ruleset from the GM based in large part off of a Wargames Illustrated #235 article: 

The game was quick, easy to play, had a small footprint, and did not require an outrageous amount of if one was inclined to STEAL or be inspired by the idea, it is within grasp...the linchpin being, the GM had some great looking figs and, yeah...

Anyway, here goes...a small slice of brutal hell from the Western Front...thanks Seth!!

A small line of allied trenchline, sections 1 to 7 from left to right, ...includes 'suicide corner' on the far left #1, 'the Ritz' in the middle #4, and a communications trench cutting into the far right #7.  Each section was a 4-6 inch square, built up from styro...Seth did a great job scratch-building his own terrain...
The view leading into 'suicide corner'...
...the corner itself...again, a great job from Seth, who went so far as to get an appropriate level of grit and filth in this painting, top it off with water effect to get a good sense for just how wet, damp, and gross trenchlife was.  And, I think my personal OCD favourite, he even made sure to model gas alarm the shell casing!!

The majority of the German raiders were from North Star's Great War Miniatures line...and, they were painted up very nicely...for gameplay, the poker chips with numbers referred to the individual soldier, the green discs signified the number of grenades that the soldier had.  To activate a soldier, Seth would draw a chip out of a helmet until all were activated OR a tea time chip was triggered.  Very slick, very easy to catch on...oh, and for this game there were 4 of us with 2 British and 2 German players.

Taking a long look down the line...
Quick reference sheet for the game...

Initial deployment, the bulk of the raiders deployed in section 2 and 3 while the British deployed around the Ritz in sections 4 and 5; there was only one or two lone Tommies that deployed in section 1 and 2...each soldier was deployed by their chip number and randomly rolled into a terrain piece.  The premise being that each raider basically rolled into the trenchline and the British defenders were unawares that Fritz was in the and personal...
Overhead view of section #2, three raiders and one lone defender at the bottom right...just out of frame is another raider, a very tight spot to be in for Tom.

In this frame, you can see Tom with 2 raiders on his right in section #3...

So, I received the first draw of the game...with that I sent one of my raiders up to section #1 to knife the lone Brit soldier...I roll, he defends, I win the fight, but fail to roll for partner in crime was the second draw and followed up with shovel and shield guy...he rolls, he wins, and knocks the Brit down and steals an initiative token.  The initiative tokens indicated the number of actions that each soldier could take.

a tough spot to be in...lone British soldier with 5 Germans around him...some would say a fair fight, some wouldn't...
If I recall correctly, we drew a free activation chip next which allowed us to move with any raider, even one that had already activated...we elected to go with the shoveler and have him re-pummel the British soldier that we had knocked down.  One defender eliminated...

Horribly out of focus, but a great action-looking shot...again, IIRC, the British soldier that had 5 raiders around him activated, killed one of the raiders and then ran towards the dugout...or was killed in return...can't entirely remember...but cool action shot anyway...

The Brits are merging around the kind of just naturally happened, but kind of fitting considering that is Officer country...
Looking down the line from #1 to #7...the left end of the trench is in raider hands...
British defender moves into section #3 (at top of picture) shoots at the raiders and has a grenade land just behind him...IIRC, he kills one of the raiders and manages to move away from the grenade without effect...until a grenade or two later...then he is out of the war...
The German raiders start to push towards the this time we had killed a couple of defenders and had two of our own killed as well.  We started to take to lobbing a plethora of grenades targeted at the Ritz.  There was a roll to see if you landed your grenade where you threw it...and for the most part, we ended up throwing them where we needed them.  As well, once you threw it, we had to roll for how long it took to cook of the grenade (1d6 for number of activations before detonation).  I lobbed a masher near the entrance to the Ritz and had it detonate after 3 activations...I think I was able to kill a defender, wound another, and left no mark on a third.
The troop in the middle would end up surviving 3 detonations without a mark...I think he was one of the few that deployed in that section to actually make it to the end.
View of the Ritz and main dugout for this piece of the line...section #4, you can see another gas alarm gong next to the sign.  The Germans retired from the field before this grenade could cook off...the game itself only took about 90 minutes-ish...was extremely enjoyable, BUT very very bloody with close action occurring with nearly every activation...very effective at giving some sense of the urgency and doom of the trenchlife!
I have to admit, I was looking forward to this game when I signed up for it...I even made sure to prep myself for the day by wearing a new acquisition of mine...the Zero Foxtrot vengeance trench raider shirt (no, that's not me in the pic)...definitely fit the mood of the game!!
An unused section of the was linked to a random event that would have involved friendly fire and large bore artillery...another excellent terrain piece.

Last long look of the line from #7 to #1...great work Seth...thanks for the game!!

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Fallschirjager Anti-Tank team and Big Ole DAK 88's...

Hello folks,

Another week gone by, another progress shot...this time I thought I would post some pictures of some elements that I fielded for our clubs current campaign: Operation Battleaxe - turn 1 BUT was able to get completed.

If you've seen the battle report from that turn, you might remember that this is the first time I've fielded a true infantry safety nets, no vehicles.  Although they weren't DAK troops, I nonetheless fielded some of my Fallschirmjager's to give them a chance at hitting the table top.

I enjoy the look of these troops...there's a lot of detail to the fig's with personnel kit and depending on the field of battle you're trying to capture, there's certainly a lot of variance in the painting scheme for their uniforms.  I had originally started my FJ force as a Monte Cassino company, but given the breadth of theatres of well as needing to field one force for multiple theatres...AND needing a handy way of distinguishing platoons I decided to paint the platoons in various themes.

The first platoon I finished was German Fallschirmjager - Monte Cassino along with some company command elements...but since I have completed a Pioneer Platoon and a recoilless rifle platoon that I painted up with Crete in mind...

For our campaign, although using FJ troops, I was using to the company org chart for DAK I needed an early war anti-tank rifle thought Crete would be a great setting for this team
lately when I'm gaming I seem to have some horrible tendency to clutz it up and drop a mini or two...during Cangames, one of Mike's A-10 fell prey to my clutzery...the warthog has since been repaired...however, on the campaign day...I had one of my boxes of gaming goodies fall and actually crush this team...there was much sobbing...In all truthfulness, my box of goodies was in fact a toolbox full of gaming aids, dice, etc...
However, when the dust was settled the two AT riflemen were bent 90 degrees to the base and the NCO, using his experience I guess, was totally fine.

I straightened the two gunners out and had one break off into my hand and the other was balancing precariously on very weak sea I got home...cursed many the glue out and set about repairing the legs and repainting where needed.  I'm glad these vet's have bounced back and we should see them in action soon...

Thankfully, my DAK 88 platoon did not suffer any catastrophic events...during the game they did fairly well raising hell with Crusaders and grunts alike.  I enjoyed painting these guns up...the bases are from an older box than what is currently available...they're nice, but a little bit of a pain to complete with the pre-formed holes for the troops.  I must admit they did take some finesse and multiple repaints of the base to get figures and bases to blend with each other.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

German Stormtroopers...another instalment...

Hello everyone,

Just a very quick post...thought I'd showcase another distraction that I finished last weekend...a couple of more stormtroopers for my Great War Germans.  These are more North Star minis from their Great War Miniatures line...IIRC these are from the trench raiders blister.

I painted them up using my previous tutorial techniques...and to be quite honest, they really did not take that long at all this time to brush up.  Now, I'm using a different lighting set-up and background this time, so the figures are a little more 'brighter' than before, but I'm very happy with the results.

Take care folk.

Front profile, 2 German trench raiders..

Rear profile...very subtle differences in equipment colour captured very nicely.
Different profile angle...I like the 'badassness' of the gas mask figure...he is literally loaded for bear.


Friday, 22 May 2015

Panzers and Armoured Cars up!!

Howdy all,

It's been a little busy as of late so I haven't been able to make all my posts...until now.  About 2 weeks ago I was able to get my second box of Panzer IV H's finished.  I'll use these to round out the first box I completed to give me a Pz IV company of 2 combat platoons, the commander, and a 2ic.  I enjoyed painting these guys and just like last time, I tried to keep them in good 'working' factory fresh here.

I hope you enjoy.

Quickly there after, I dug deep into the painting queue and brought this Armoured Car platoon out and was able to finish them up.  I painted them to go with my Deutsch Afrika Korps force and I think I can also make them work for any of the late war Kampgruppe lists...particularly the German Arnhem forces.

Anyhow, here are the pics.


Platoon commander on the right... 
Platoon in line, right profile... 
Second platoon in the background, company 2ic... 
The combat platoons of Panzer Kompanie Jakob.

DAK armoured cars...

Friday, 24 April 2015


Howdy folks,

I recently jumped into finishing up a project that I started in much anticipation many many years ago...I was a bright eyed, wet behind the ears gamer with visions of German Airborne troops dropping from above...that was about 7 years ago, lol...

In my haste and keenness I bought the Fallschirjager company box and a bunch of support blisters...I prepped them with care and then like many little soldiers they hurried up and waited.  A few years back I started doing some proper painting on them and then was distracted again.  This past Christmas I made an effort to not only get them painted but to also get them based.

Using some inspiration from various Flames of War postings as well as a very great Ortona section at the Canadian War Museum I now had a way forward.  For this post I have some of the Headquarters elements and one of the combat platoons.  I just have to finish the bases on the recoiless rifle platoon and the pioneer platoon...more to follow in the future on them.

Anyhow, enjoy the pics...views and advice are greatly appreciated.

 Company Headquarters - Commander and 2ic

Company Commander Iron Hans

Pretty Klaus - Hardcore company 2ic

Warrior Von der Hydte

  Company Headquarters - Mortars

Company Headquarters - Sniper teams

Combat Platoon