Showing posts with label Frostgrave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frostgrave. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 December 2020

10th Post Over Christmas...

Ok...getting tight on this goes,

On this tenth post over Christmas,
This post has for you...

10 bits of scatter terrain...
7 Harry Potter figures...
6 Marvel Characters (heroes and/or villains)...

FIVE MAIN CHARACTERS...<cough...from the Night’s Watch starter set>

2 figures from Studio Miniatures; and
1 from HassleFree.

Hey all,

So for this one, I’ve got some scatter pieces and terrain bits that I hauled out a week or two ago. I bought these on a whim a few years back and was able to whip them up pretty quick. If I remember correctly, I got these from my local gaming store and I think they’re from Wiz Kids.

These will be great for any Frostgrave type setting...looking forward to getting them on the table.

Take care...

Hike up Lead Mountain 2020

28mm              88
15mm              135

Terrain             17 (+10)

Bought:            40

Progress:          +200

Saturday, 26 December 2020

The 3rd Post Over Christmas...

For the third post over Christmas,

I have to show to you,
Some Fallout figures and a random marker makes three,

2 pop icons...from Studio Miniatures 
and a figure from HassleFree.

The random figure is a 3D printed base or marker that I got from my LGS...they were giving them away earlier this year so I thought I’d try painting it up with a winter/frostgrave setting. It painted up pretty quick and was a nice diversion.

The 2 fallout figures are from Wasteland Warfare and the Heroes of Sanctuary Hills box. The set includes a male survivor (compliment to the Nora survivor from the starter box), an alternate version of Dogmeat, and Cogsworth. I painted up the survivor and Dogmeat...couldn’t resist those two...Cogsworth, well he’s probably my least favorite from the video he can wait a little, lol.

I hope you enjoy and taste everyone’s Christmas was safe and well.

Dogmeat, “uparmoured” with goggles and neckerchief.

Dogmeat with the survivor...

The marker on the left, with our Fallout survivors...

The Survivor...

Hike up Lead Mountain 2020

28mm               62 (+3)
15mm               135

Bought:            5 (+3, Survivors - Heroes of Sanctuary Hills)

Progress:          +192

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Painting Update - Scavengers and Reavers

Hey folks,

I hope that all is well with you and yours. Up at this end of the world we are doing our best with self-isolation and quarantine, I know this is affecting many and I hope you are finding the time to connect (figuratively or virtually) with family and friends. I see many are taking this time to get through their respective lead mountains, etc...good luck with that and good job/luck on your progress.

Now, just prior to this, I had committed to running a miniatures game for this years upcoming CanGames in May. Now, unfortunately due to the COVID situation that is affecting many of us, there will not be a CanGames this year.  I was holding out hope that we could have was just not meant to be...and of course, if this is the extent of the negative impact on me by COVID, then life is not too bad off.

My idea for CanGames was to run a Zona Alfa game...I really liked the backstory of the ruleset and I do have a bunch of figures lying around needing to be painted...and, an excuse to make extra terrain is never a bad thing either. Some future posts on the terrain side to follow...

So with that in mind, I thought I would break out some 40K Scavenger figures and fill their ranks out with some NorthStar Miniatures that I had originally earmarked for Rogue Stars as a Reaver Crew (ala Firefly and Serenity).  I gotta say, I really like how they turned out...and the North Star figures were originally Frostgrave Cultists, but were mod'ed up with one of North Star's plastic conversion sprues.

As for Zona Alfa, I thought these figures would work well as inhabitants in the 'exclusion zone'...and the figures have a great amount of character to them.

Enjoy the pics... 

These are the North Star Frostgrave Cultist box...

I used the zombie arm that came with the Cultist box and took a weapon and head from the plastic conversion...I know the arms don't 'match'...but I was really going for that fallout/radioactive/wasteland look.  I like how it turned out and it really fits well together.

Warhammer 40K, Scavenger box...a real pleasure to paint up...these should totally fit in with Zone Alfa and the wasteland feel...could work for multiple gaming systems/settings...


Hike up Lead Mountain, 2020


28mm            11 (+11, 5 x 40k, 6 x NorthStar)
15mm            22

Bought:         0 (these were bought mid last year)

Progress:     +33

Saturday, 16 March 2019

First Painting Update of the Year

Howdy folks,

In the interest of getting eyeballs on figs, please enjoy this very short post...

As promised I am finally getting to putting up pics of the first painting update of the year.  While I have posted painting progress, it was just to close out some painting updates from the last year.  This post is certainly a mix of genres and miniature companies and all figs were completed by the end of January.

Hope you enjoy the pics...

These two figures were from a line called Ral Partha...I'm not very familiar with it and if I recall correctly, I purchased this pack of 2 Banditos in a clearance bin...maybe in North Bay.  They did paint up quite nicely and are a little on the 'epic-y' side of the scale, but they should fit in nicely with my other figs. 

I cannot recall where Clint came from...I remember getting a little plastic bag thrown my way from my buddy Mike, but other than that...that's all I got.  The figure is a little on the small side of 28mm, especially when compared with the two amigos above...however, just like them I elected to keep the basing fairly simple on this one.  For the most part, the inspiration for Clint's paint scheme came from the Good the Bad and the Ugly.
These two are from Hasslefree Miniatures from their human sci-fi range...inspired from the Battlestar Galactica reimagined series, I couldn't wait to get to these two.  Nailing the exact colour of their uniforms was a challenge as screen shots from the series shows a wide variance in tone depending on lighting conditions...I'm pretty happy with the results and can't wait to add some more of these BSG inspired models to the fray. 
Another Hasslefree figure, I bought this zombie Doc on a whim and figured that I could add him in wherever in my gaming 'verse.  I took a little extra time to get some shades on his labcoat and show some good 'zombification' on him...I also took some extra time on the basing to get the look of post-apoc...
Finally, the last two are remainders from another blister of knights from Crusader Miniatures that I used for my SAGA Crusader army; in this case I themed them rather generically and based them for some Frostgrave-y type locales.  I thought I'd try my hand at some sculpting of extras using milliput.  I also was curious how my new painting technique would look on these figures as my previous knights were painted when I relied heavily on a base coat and a dry brush.  I'm pretty happy overall with the results, I really like how the painting came out...and I know that I certainly need some more practice on sculpting, but with fairly non-critical additions like furs or bags, the sculpting can be pretty forgiving.

2019 Expedition up Mt. Lead.

28mm          8 (+8)

Bought:       0

Progress:   +8

1. some pics from a new game I just picked up...
2. a few pics trying out Warlord's Cruel Seas...
3. a Star Wars Legion update...