Showing posts with label 28mm-ISH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 28mm-ISH. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Painting Update - Sam Wilson, Captain America

Howdy folks,

I thought I’d do up a quick post just to give some proof of life that I have actually been painting something other than Flames of War, and that yes…Marvel Crisis Protocol is still alive and well on my side of the internets. Admittedly, this one had been sitting partially completed on the work table for much longer than he should have. I had originally started off on both War Machine and Cap, but I was not happy with how War Machine went together…I had some considerable assembly issues with parts not lining up and not seating into each other.

Which is what probably soured the Captain America figure…even though I had completed the base and the base coat…it nonetheless had to sit through some considerable uncertainty. I did not follow through with the War Machine figure as its dysfunction was painfully obvious and no amount of paint was going to save him. I do have to say, good customer service, I explained my issue with Atomic Mass Games and their Canadian supplier and while they could not supply me with a new War Machine, they did provide me with a box of my choice that was roughly the same cost…so I did appreciate their assist there.

Now onto Captain Sam Wilson America…great looking figure, very dynamic pose and the explosion on the base was a lot of fun to paint up. Once I got my head settled, he did not take that long to finish painting…I actually think he’s been done and in the display case for almost 4-6 months. I did refer back to Sorastro’s awesome guide for Captain Steve Rogers America to help keep me close in colour pallet.

Anywho, please enjoy the pics.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         131
28mm+       44, +1 (Cap)


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +169

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Marvel Crisis Protocol - Battle Report

Hey folks,

Here’s hoping that the summer is treating you all well. Looking at the month of July pushing to an end, it feels like the summer is flying by. A few weeks back, I had the chance to get a game of Marvel Crisis Protocol in with Mike and Duncan. Not only a great chance to get together but also gave me the chance to get a team of bad guys on the table.

Now, to be fair…I honestly an’t remember all the finer details…but here’s what I do recall. The game plan was pretty simple…about 15-17 points of threat per team, a couple of mission objectives, and away we go…i guess, went…


The happiest and classiest crew in town: Green Goblin, Ghost Rider, Doctor Octopus, and the Rhino.

The setup and initial deployment…Mike on the left with the Sentinels, Duncan at the top of the pic with the Soviet Avengers (I can never remember their name), and me on the right with the Spiderman fan club + 1…Red markers are things to grab a hold of and carry, they can cause damage if the character holding it generates too much energy. And the blue markers are portals…secure/hold a portal, build up points.

Initial moves by Duncan, brings up his Russian Bear, the Black Widow heads for the portal…

The Green Goblin and Rhino move up on my side; the Goblin is heading for one of the red energy markers. The Rhino is just making his way forward, one S at a time…

Mike makes his move on the left with his big damned Sentinels…by this point, Doc Oc is securing the portal (with the side effect that it flames out folks who are securing it)…GhostRider gets into the action and sizes up one of the Sentinels.

The Rhino literally gets dragged into the back alley by one of Duncan’s Soviet mind warriors…again, can’t remember the name…the Green Goblin remains the happiest guy in the game, he is literally flying around with a huge grin. 

One of the Sentinels decides to try the Doc on for size…the Doc has some laser arm attacks that are pretty amazing.

The Rhino continues his foray into the back alley, trying out his charge attack…

The Goblin tries out his pumpkin attacks on Mike’s Sentinel

The Goblin is turning and burning around the streets…Doc continues to hold the portal, and GhostRider keeps trying out rando attacks. The lower pic is an overview of the current action…

If I remember correctly, at this point, multiple characters have been taking boatloads of damage and we’re flipping cards.

A great size comparison shot of the Doc and those nasty Sentinels.

By the end of the game, we had gotten about 6-7 turns in…it was a bit of a slugfest, lots of characters taking damage and getting close to getting taken out of the game. With victory points, I think Mike came in tops, then myself, and Duncan fairly close. All in all, a good game, great chance to get figs on the table…and the Spider Friends were a lot of fun.

Sunday, 30 June 2024

Painting Update - Scatter Terrain

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on this CanadaDay long weekend; happy birthday CANADA!! The work and painting tempo have been rather busy as of late, but unfortunately that has meant little time to post. I thought I’d give a quick update on my progress with terrain. 

On the heels of my CanGames prep, I am getting around to finishing off the pieces from The Walking Dead terrain pack from Mantic. As well I just finished up a vehicle from the Marvel Crisis Protool New York City terrain box. And, I finally finished a piece I’ve had for some time, a Reaper gun locker that I painted up inspired by a Hyperion weapon box from the Borderlands video game.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the pics. Take care folk, and stay safe on Canada’s bday!

From Mantic’s The Walking Dead, terrain box released a few years back…some great pieces adaptable to many genres.

From the MCP NYC Terrain Box, one of the cars that was included in the original core box.

A weapons locker from Reaper…

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       35, +9


Terrain          2

Bought          8

Progress   +56

Friday, 19 January 2024

Battle Report - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Howdy folk,

Here's hoping that the New Year vibes are still treating you well. 

Well, first game of the year, and sure enough it was Duncan and I taking some more Marvel Crisis Protocol to the table. Unfortunately Mike was unavailable, so it would be only two teams of heroes and villains. We took the opportunity to go with a "full meal deal" of MCP, and that included all objectives and special markers (can't remember what they're called in game).

So we selected the mission type, the general table layout, and then this case we pulled the mission 'Spider infected civilians', whom we dubbed spider-babies immediately and forever after. As well there were 3 portals on the table...I wish I had remembered that they were portals then, but, such is gaming life.

So, that leaves us with game setup of 5 x spider-babies to rescue, and 3 x portals/rifts to take control of. In the case of the babies, they could move the character holding them distance S if the right (or wrong, depending on your perspective) roll was made. And the portals had a nifty feature that left any characters with the 'incinerate' condition if they were within distance 1. Oh, and our threat level on the card was 17 or 19, but given that I had not brought enough, we went with max value for the figs I our threat value was 14.

Team setup: Duncan had the Soviet Avengers...Winter League, Red Guards...maybe Winter Guard...I honestly can't remember. I just googled it, they're the Winter Guard. He had Soviet Ironman (gawd I gotta google this...)...

...okay, he had Crimson Dynamo, Darkstar, Ursa Major (big ole bear), and the Red Guardian...I was calling him Captain Russia and Soviet Captain America in the comic-fu is a little lacking here. Anywho, to counter this red horde, the Guardians of the Galaxy...Peter Quill, Rocket, Groot, Gamora, and Nebula - all of them are worth 3 points each except for Nebula who is a cool 2 points.

**So we googled while we were playing...Duncan had just bought the new core box, I had the original set...and we saw that there were a varied number of tweaks to abilities and point values between releases, so we're just going to pretend that I'm on the up n up**

Anywho, the Guardians of the Galaxy...

We even broke out Tactics Cards for this as well...admittedly the only cards I recall are the 2 specifically related to Rocket and Groot...I do remember that StarLord had a narly leadership skill which could be doled out to 1 Guardian per turn that allowed up to 3 re-rolls of defensive or attacks kinda handy

In the interest of being fully transparent, as soon as the game was over, I started forgetting this is much less a report and play by play, than random rememberings and thoughts on the game.

Duncan did beat me to the punch and his report is here.

So, here we go...gametime...hope you enjoy the pics!

Table setup, Winter Guard at top of frame, Guardians de Galaxy on the bottom. Terrain was various building and such. Card layout had 5 x red tokens for spider babies, 3 x blue for portals/rifts.

The Winter Guard...Ursa, Red Guardian, Darkstar, Red Dynamo (l to r)

First few turns had the Winter Guards moving up to the Daily Bugle, taking a few spider-babies and controlling 2 x portals. The Guardians moved up and StarLord took a portal, I think Groot grabbed a baby, and the sisters Lady Gamora and Nebula came up from the right.

Rocket and Groot moving fairly close together...their tactic cards have some nice features...Groot is a tank and can absorb damage, and if they're together, Groot can activate Rocket to carry out 3 x plasma rifle attacks up to range 5, but they have to be on 3 different targets. So I just kinda kept them close together...Groot moves S, and Rocket cruises at M.

For the most part, the Red Guardian kept behind the action holding onto the intial portal. Ursa Major who is not only a bit of a tank, is also a real f'ing bear...has some really good damage abilities.

Duncan was making some amazing die I was getting a few hits on him, but he really blocked almost all damage I was dealing. The big thing with the Guardians de Galaxy, they generate power on successful hits and damage , so that was a nice bonus...but Duncan's rolls kept that minimized.

Nebula and Gamora are also pretty slick...they have melee weapons, but they are able to do some jazzy range 2-3 attacks that let them end next to their target or keep at range depending on the ability. But, boy can they move, they both move at L and while Nebula cannot contest an objective or hold an object, she is a wicked assassin...

The pic above, the Red Guardian finally comes up from the back...StarLord keeps taking a bit of a beating and will eventually get tossed behind the Daily Bugle and get pummeled in the dark alley.

At this point, the Bugle keeps being hot! and Crimson Stark starts to head off Rocket and Groot. You can see StarLord in behind getting hits from all the other Winter Guards...he takes one for the team and just takes the hits.

At this point, both Nebula and Gamorra have enough and start getting aggressive on the Bugle. Nebula gets tossed to the alley and Gamora keeps charging in.

Nebula makes it back on top of the Bugle...Ursa Major gets knocked off (I think...) and Nebula takes it to Darkstar...getting some wicked ninja assassin hits in on her and knocking Darkstar out of the game...I think Quill is already gone by this point.

Now, Ursa jumps back into the fray, he really likes the Bugle rooftop...and both Gamora and Nebula lay down a beating on him

of note, any red tokens that you see laying on the table are spider-babies that have been dropped by our heroes and villains after they are injured and/or taken out of the game. I think at one point I had 3 of the Guardians de Galaxy get injured at the same time...

The ladies get control of the Bugle rooftop, sending Ursa Major back to Mockba Zoo!!

A few frenzied plays and we're both trying to scoop up spider-babies...

The last roll for me of the game, and I solidly knock Crimson Dynamo out of action...

And with that, we had a game. The extra elements were cool, but definitely took more care on my part to play the characters to their maximum. The game was a lot of fun, and happy to have this start of the year's action. Oh, lol…I forgot to say, Duncan and the Winter Guard for the win…but I think I was within 2-3 points of him…good game regardless!

Take care.