Sunday 30 June 2024

Painting Update - Scatter Terrain

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on this CanadaDay long weekend; happy birthday CANADA!! The work and painting tempo have been rather busy as of late, but unfortunately that has meant little time to post. I thought I’d give a quick update on my progress with terrain. 

On the heels of my CanGames prep, I am getting around to finishing off the pieces from The Walking Dead terrain pack from Mantic. As well I just finished up a vehicle from the Marvel Crisis Protool New York City terrain box. And, I finally finished a piece I’ve had for some time, a Reaper gun locker that I painted up inspired by a Hyperion weapon box from the Borderlands video game.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the pics. Take care folk, and stay safe on Canada’s bday!

From Mantic’s The Walking Dead, terrain box released a few years back…some great pieces adaptable to many genres.

From the MCP NYC Terrain Box, one of the cars that was included in the original core box.

A weapons locker from Reaper…

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       35, +9


Terrain          2

Bought          8

Progress   +56

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