Showing posts with label Flashpoint Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flashpoint Miniatures. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Work work work

It's been a couple of days since my last post...never underestimate the ability for your day job to get in the way of what's really important.  However, I've been able to steal some moments to work on some of the pile and to get the initial framework for this year's plan.

The Plan

1. finish the basing backlog to complete various minis...I know this part doesn't take me that long but still is difficult for me to bite into (mind over matter sort of thing);
2. finish the pile of lead in the WIP pile.  Given the right motivation/timing it shouldn't take to long, it is a combination of bunkers (4), infantry, and some vehicles;
3. begin work on a small IDF force (mainly armour) and Syrian tank force for "Fate of Nations"; and
4. consolidate collections/holdings of incomplete and some still in box sets.  Do they still fit the overall plan/picture.

To tide folks over until the production line is brought up to speed I'll offer a few more pics that I've been able to take.  Enjoy and take care.

later gators.

WW2 commandos/airborne troops that I finished in the fall of last year, not sure the manufacture.  First time painting denison smock...I liked the results.

Vietnam is a definite period of interest for me...about 18 months ago I started to collect various makes of M113s to see the difference and do a physical comparison for quality, paintibility, and cost.  The two infanteers and Viet Cong spider pits are from Flashpoint miniatures  done as a sample to test basing colors...the ACAV M113 on the left is also from Flashpoint and is a little larger than BFs and noticably larger than Old Glorys'.  The ACAV on the right is from Peter Pig, it matches very well with BF and OG...the turret is brilliant - nice fit and does not fall off!

Two QRF M113 ITVs done up as Cold War US Army in future plans for those will be as combat AT attachment to 4CMBG...but that is another project, lol.

If I recall correctly this figure is from TAG...I think guerrillas or rebels blister...I liked the mix of Kiwi inspired camo smock along with Soviet/Russian camo pants.