Showing posts with label Artizan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artizan. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 June 2024

Cangames - Battle Report - Danger Close Scenario

Howdy folks,

I hope the start of summer is treating you well. I am finally getting around to posting on my Danger Close game from Cangames a few weeks back. Given the weather and some of the Cangames standards, it ended up being a tough sell…lots of folks game by and took pics of the table, but not a lot of takers on the Danger Close ruleset. Regardless, Duncan and I pressed on and I really like how the rules played out…this also gave us a chance to really run all of the game elements and effects, in particular the morale mechanics.

The Setup: Local confidential informations (CI’s) have been all abuzz, seems like the infamous Little Tony Michigan and his Vanilla Cartel group have been working out of a camp in the middle of the Arkansas woods. DEA have responded and are getting ready to hit the camp and prosecute a high-risk arrest to take in Little Tony.

The Players: the scenario can accommodate up to 4 players, with 2 teams of law enforcement and 2 teams of Cartel/Mob. The DEA had a team of 4 x field agents and a Special Response Team of 4 x agents who are extra trained in breaching ops and carrying out high risk arrests. The Cartel had Little Tony with 4 x thugs and there was a Russian Mob team that was 5 x thugs. Each team has a special skill and rule that is relevant to them only. It either let them re-roll a failed test/shot, shrug off morale/stress, or share action points with their team. Each team also had their own objectives so that this wasn’t just a kill game.

The DEA field agents…they can take a free move into cover or re-roll failed to hit. The field agents had to collect evidence along the way to get a solid case on Tony (for this, I used Fallout search tokens).

The DEA SRT team, they are breachers and can re-roll melee dice. The SRT had to ensure that the field agents were not in harms way and provide overwatch protection.

Little Tony (apologies for the messed up photo)…he can share action points with his guys if they are in LOS, his Lt. can extend the range of LOS, and the boys can make a free move if they are carrying any boxes of product.

Another wonky photo…sorry. The Russian mob, they were partnered with the Vanilla Cartel, but they had the task of finding the Accountant before the DEA did. Their special skills were shrugging off melee hits and re-rolling melee attacks.

The Game:

Little Tony’s camp is setup at a scrap yard, plenty of beat up vehicles, random corrugated walls, and trash to block LOS and provide cover. The tokens that look like binoculars are search tokens (from Fallout Wasteland Warfare) and key holes are locked doors (from Fallout as well). There are several wooden boxes scattered around the table, the yellow and light brown are full of product. If the camp is going down, Little Tony wants to get some of the goods out to ensure the financial survival of the Cartel…not to mention, keep those Colombians suppliers happy.

The overall table layout…top pic is from Cartel/Mob view, bottom pic from Law Enforcement perspective. You can see the various search and locked tokens…and plenty of scatter terrain with a few pieces of terrain that can be interacted with, i.e. house, shed, garage, and sea cans.

Initial moves: you can see Cartel and Mobsters getting into position behind cover. Jersey Lee and Greyman get in behind a sea container…you can see the DEA have moved up as well behind the barricades.

Little Tony gets in behind some oil drums, Moo Moo Mike is to his right on overwatch, with another thug in a prepared position up ahead of Tony’s location.

The DEA had the option of walking in or driving in…Duncan elected to roll in hot with the wheels. On entry into the camp, he had to roll to see if the vehicles hit some hidden tire popppers or not. The initial move by the SRT armoured van made it through and headed over for the shed. The field agents were not as lucky and tripped the poppers. Their car came to a halt at the entrance…they scrambled out, using their actions to move and their special ability to get a free move into cover.

The SRT disembarks and stacks up at the shed entrance. They successfully breach the door and find it occupied by the wild eyed accountant who is armed with a 44 magnum. This triggers an initiative roll…which the SRT agents win and they are able to get inside before the accountant squeezes off a shot. Duncan was able to get to base contact and rolls for melee/arrest and brings down the accountant.

They successfully roll for the breech and charge into contact. They then roll a successful evidence search.

The DEA field agents toss a smoke grenade (green paper…I had forgotten my smoke clouds). You can see, the SRT is in the shed, the field agents are slowly making their way to centre field, Little Tony’s guys are making their way to vantage points as well as recovering boxes of product.

The accountant is hauled into the back of the armoured van for safe keeping - this will put pressure on the Russian Mob team and force them to close in with the SRT and ‘rescue’ the accountant.

A small firefight erupts by the 10 foot blue sea container with a DEA agent getting wounded. The DEA were restricted by their Rules of Engagement so they could not fire unless fired upon.

The green smoke sticks around for a while providing some good cover for the field agent stuck behind the blue truck in the centre of the table. You can see that the agent is spotted by multiple thugs (green token) and is piling up the stress (red tokens). The second pic gives a great view of the agent with Little Tony taking a few shots at him.

At this point of the game, we triggered a couple of game events, the first one was inspired by the song Copperhead Road by Steve Earl, “DEA’s got a chopper in the air”…so Duncans agents did not have to spend any actions for spotting, they had visibility on all figures on the table. The second was inspired by the movie Den of Thieves, “we aren’t the arresting type”…for that turn, the DEA were in a permissive ROE environment so they could shoot to kill without having to take fire first.

This did make things a little more challenging for my Russian crew who were trying to circle around the camp to get to the Accountant, and Little Tony’s guys were about to start feeling the heat. The BlueJean dude jumped on top of the garage to try to get a shot off at the field agents, he is subsequently hit and killed. Jersey Lee is heading for boxes of product and moving them back to the truck near Tony. 

The Russian’s are in a firefight with the SRT, brown jacket Igor goes down hard, and if I remember correctly Boxershort Gregor puts a shotgun blast into one of the SRT agents for the kill. The green chips denote being in the prone position.

The gunfight keeps going…folks are going prone to try to get some advantage, or they have tripped morale/stress conditions. You can see that Boxershort Gregor has taken 3 stress and 1 injury token (3 injuries and you’re out…light, seriously, and dead). Greysuit Yuri is trying to get cover behind the green car, having failed his stress roll, he is in cover, no actions, and in prone position.

You can see everyone is making their way forward, grabbing cover where they can. Tommy Gunn is hunkered down behind the DHL van, agents are in the centre of the scrap yard using old fridges and vehicles for cover.

The following turn, a lot of action has happened. The field agents and Tony’s boys are heavily engaged on the right side…in a big upset, the Greyman took a few injuries and was subsequently knocked down in melee and arrested. Duncan secured Grey and moved him behind the barricades. As well, Tommy Gunn was taken down hard and killed by a SRT agent. Little Tony is starting to feel the stress of it all as well, he has 2 stress tokens. Sensing some desperation, one of Tony’s guys finishes loading the truck and starts to drive out of camp…only one way out unfortunately, so he has to thread the needle between the barricades. 

Moomoo Mike, who had been trying to hold the right side of the yard goes down in a hail of bullets.

Followed-up by the thug in the truck getting taken out by a headshot. The second pic, you can see Jersey Lee falling to the brutality of the DEA.

The SRT is rolling up the Russians…the field agents are doing a great job of holding on, Duncan is making his normal amazing die rolls. And in a blaze of glory…Little Tony Michigan, falls to a hail of dirty law enforcement bullets. 

Overall, it was a really enjoyable game…there are a lot more mechanics involved in the game, but it is really easy to dial it up or down should you choose. Glad to have the chance to run a game, certainly the larger tabletop was a lot of fun. Thanks to Duncan for taking up the challenge of playing DEA for the afternoon.

Monday, 17 February 2020

SAGA - Battle Report

Hello folks,

A couple of weeks back I had the chance to get a game of Saga in with Duncan and had been some time since I had put a warband on the table so I was pretty pumped to get my Crusaders into the field.  Similar to last time, my force looked great, but hit the field rather horseless...that's okay, I haven't had a serious go at trying to paint horses yet and given where my painting is at these days I am pretty happy with my current warband.

Anyhow, the game went pretty smooth, luckily for me the guys have a great grip on the ruleset and battleboard which let me focus on trying to relearn as much as possible and get engaged.  If I remember correctly, the scenario was the multi-player scenario from the book (I think there may only be one) and it came down to collecting as many points as possible...the warlord collected points by making charges (a little tough for grunts, pretty cool for horse soldiers), survivability, kill numbers, and killing the other warlord.

At the end, Duncan came in first, I was second, and Mike took final be fair, Mike did an excellent job of placing his troops in very accessible positions.  So yeah, he generously set up his force equitably...and Duncan and I may have made some liberties with that.

I'll do my best to write some narrative as the pics go by...but please enjoy them nonetheless.  Cheers.

Initial setup...ish.  This is near the beginning of our first turn.  Duncan has deployed to the left, Mike is at top of the field with some of his force, the remainder is in mid-field mixing it up with my Foot Soldiers.  They took an initial charge from Mike's cavalry and some hits between his archers and my crossbowman. 

bit of a close-up...lost a couple of men, took an archer or two with them...

The battle board...some very awesome abilities there...the board feels very crusadery...very apropos...

The Soldiers take another round of hits...Mike moves his troops forward, Duncan harasses his lines with charges and special moves 

Mike's archers finally fall to my crossbowman...his cavalry take a beating from Duncan...and I slowly move my grunts forward with my Warlord prodding them along.

My lone Soldier squares of against the galloping horde...dies a true crusader death...

My warriors move forward and have varied success mixing it up...

The rest of the force make their way to supporting my crossbowman...

 the crossbowman join their crusading brothers in the light...between the pics, Mike's troops are taken apart piecemeal by both Duncan and I, his Warlord goes out swinging, and Duncan and I start getting some close range contact.  AND then we run out of time.  All in all, an other excellent game.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Painting Update - Random Figs

Hello everyone,

Over the past summer I made some effort to tackle figures that, while bought with the bestest of intentions, unfortunately got into the painting waiting room and drew a 3 figured service number.  Amongst that crew of recently 'NEXT' or 'served' was a trio of packs from Artizan, Hasslefree, and Reaper.

Dr. Klomps Laboratory was a purchase I made at NorthBay Hobbies during one of my drop-ins while driving through...I always like to try to support LGS's.  The figures looked good, I liked the theme, and I figured they could fit into pretty much anything from WW2 with some weirdness, post-war, or even some fantasy.

The figs were pretty good to paint...Dr. Klomp screamed mad scientist and I couldn't help but think of Red Skull while I was painting him.  His goons were pretty easy to decide on...laboratory smock and a secret police typical suit.

From Hasslefree I finally got around to painting up his version of Ash.  I recently finished watching the Ash vs. Evil Dead on Netflix...incredibly entertaining, and Lee Majors is his Dad!! Simply gold! The figure looks great and is excellently sculpted...lots of detail on this one! It painted up quick and was a hoot the entire time.

Finally, the last pack was the Brass Bull from Reaper...this was a really easy purchase from Cangames a few years the end it was dead easy to paint up and really tested the highlight and shadow techniques.  At first, I was going for all brass/gold...I can't remember what made me change, but at some point I went with lower limbs, tail, and horns as gunmetal/silver.  The spine of the beast I painted up with Vallejo Desert Yellow...the main body was Vallejo brass...the body was hit with a mix of army painter strong tone wash and citadel sepia...and any silver was hit with nuln oil.  The best setting I could imagine for this one was somewhat Frostgravey and the Northern City...

Thanks for the views and your time...cheers.

2019 Expedition up Mt. Lead.

28mm-ish     41 (+5)
15mm           3
Bought:        11

Progress:   +33

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Past Games...Part 2 - Walking Dead and SAGA!

Howdy folks,

Another post, another new month, another snowfall, lol...I think we're supposed to get about a half a foot of snow today, and maybe some rain later this afternoon.  As promised from my last post, here are some more pics of games gone by...this time a little Walking Dead that we played in November/December timeframe and most recently some SAGA in the new year.

The Walking Dead was entertaining as usual; Duncan had an opportunity to showcase some more of his looked very cool...and this time he tried out setting up some alternate objectives for each player rather than the usual slug/shoot fest.

The layout from my crew (a lost family) had the task of searching for some family members who had become separated; we entered from the bottom of the table and headed towards the Blue Motor Inn.  Mike's team entered table right...I think they were a bunch of bikers, etc...and Ed's team entered table left, they were a bunch of rough and tumble convicts looking to make a break for it.
From this angle you can see Ed's crew decked out in orange...their leader looked a little rough so I immediately took the opportunity to put a few rounds into him. I think I put him down after turn 3 or 4...a little proactive defence.
From here you can see Mike's crew...if I recall, for the most part we kept each at length with no exchange of gunfire. The family makes its way to the second floor to look for their lost members.

along the way we find a supply cache with a desert eagle in it...good find!

We successfully find the twins in one of the rooms, but there are zombies to deal with before we can make our egress.  The twins take care of business and the family is reunited.  Over at the gas station, Mike and Ed are having a small tete-a-tete punctuated with shotgun and grenade blasts.

Final shot of the game before I departed...I had a party to get to at my house...Ed's cons rushing into the gas station and contending with some distractions at the same time.  All in all...a very good game.

Early this year, I had the chance to try out SAGA had been some time since I tried it out, but it was great to try the new rules and to get my Crusaders on the table again.

Initial setup...Duncan on my left with a very mobile cavalry type force (can't remember who he was fielding); MIke on my right with a mix of foot and horse (again, can't remember who he was leading); me occupying the difficult to pass "high ground" with my foot heavy force of Crusaders.  Crossbowman deployed in an L with apex facing the bad guys...hearthguard hanging with the boss behind them, and 2 groups of soldiers/knights armed with shields and one handed weapons.  No levies for me.

Looking right...

Looking left...

We really like this hill...

I mean, it feels very comfortable...

And funny enough, first charges and moves look to be directed straight at me...

throwing some bolts at Mike...taking some in return as well...Duncan and Mike sparing outside of my range but well in front of my line.  Mike pushing horse traversing my 6...

Duncan and Mike mixing it up at my 1 O' own knights mixing it up with Duncans troops as well pushing from our sacred hill...

troops moving back and forth...starting to get the hang of the battleboards...

Duncan getting ready to let loose with his cavalry at my stick of knights...

horse everywhere...some mutual swipes at each other...

Duncan heads his cavalry over to do battle with Mike's horse...via my lone stick of was a little punishing.

starting to take some noticeable hits...

Cavalry furballs behind me...

My leader and Duncan's leader drop the gloves and have a donnybrook! If I recall, I rolled fairly well for this and I took his horse and leader down...chalk one up to the grunts!
All in all, another fun go at SAGA...and two excellent games in the end and beginning of the years.

1. some pics of the first painted figs of the year, completed in January and February
2. some pics of a new game I just picked up as well...