Showing posts with label Warsaw Pact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warsaw Pact. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Team Yankee...Battle Report - 4CMBG

Howdy folks,

At the beginning of summer we got together at Duncan's place again for some more Team Yankee...unfortunately I'm just getting to posting this report now...if you happen to see Mike's blog you may have already read the French side of the battle...

Mike's French fight - Team Yankee

It was another cold war slugfest with Mike and I on the good side, the Duncan's playing the evil imperialist Warsaw Pact.  To be honest I'm a little hazy on the exact details...each of us brought about 40 points to the fight plus or minus a point or two.  I was very happy to get another outing of my Dragoon BattleGroup.  I can't remember Mike's force, as you can see by the pics below, the Duncan's had buttloads of tanks with half-arsed loads of BMPs.

My force consisted of...

1 x formation commander, Leopard C1
2 x platoons of Leopard C1's (3 each)
1 x support platoon of 2 M113 TOWs
1 x support platoon of 2 ADATS

Overall, the game was quite outstanding...the opportunity to try some missile launchers was a new element for me...and the dice Gods were fair...I made some good rolls, had some excellent shooting, and in the end it was a well deserved victory for the Western world.

a little Team Yankee force Canuck force on the left...none of my force parked on the right...

Initial setup, focus on 4 CMBG's side of the battlespace.  The French are on the left flank...Mike has a mix of tanks, vehicles, and other stuff.  They ended up taking a pretty good beating...I have deployed 1 platoon up front, second platoon on my right, formation commander (unpainted hull) behind the ridge with the air-gunners on his immediate left, with the TOW platoon securing the Canuck left flank.

initial action had Warsaw Pact (WP) forces pushing through the ville with Good Duncan pushing tanks and AFVs.  I pushed my second platoon to the rivers edge, kept first platoon in position to maximize targetry, and pushed the ADATS to crest the ridge to maximize their range.

between pictures...a lot has happened...the Canuck first platoon has forded the river leading into the ville.  The missile screen of TOW carriers and ADATS have put a lot of hurt on the WP lead elements.  The Canucks continue to push the river and throw tonnes of money downrange...
the French (with US Humvee support, IIRC) took a considerable beating.  Out of frame, they elected to reposition their front line and ended up securing the space behind the Canucks...I can't help but be curious how AMX tanks will 'support' the left flank from behind my missile screen...but I must have lost something in translation, the RCDs are an anglo battlegroup.

a little of both flanks in this shot...the Canucks push right; Good Duncan is running out of tanks and his BMPs are taking 105mm shots from the Leopards.  The French flank is in flux...Evil Duncan pushed hard on the Humvees and AMXs, Mike's air support has left some pain, and my TOW carriers have taken some long range snipes at any tank that passes their frontage.  The brave French tankers have moved forward and parked behind the Canadian TOWs...vive la France!!  The US support troops have pushed hard up the road and sat on the objective...
Endgame...NATO battlespace excellent game overall...not clear either way who was going to win.  The good rolls on my part were largely mitigated by the volumes that WP brings to bear (pun intended).  The stars of the show were the ADATS...they have an awesome range, excellent missile, but are quite fragile...they did fall on the field of battle, but the TOW carriers were the star runner ups who survived for the next engagement.
I'm not going to lie...the low point value for the ADATS and TOWs mixed with their effectiveness has caused some non-forecast purchases and will beef up some elements of my Canucks.  Hope you enjoy the pics, take care...


Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Past Games...Part 1 - Team Yankee

Howdy folks,

Another day, another evening of a mixed bag of weather...tonight it is snow with freezing rain and drizzle...apparently overnight; so it should be rather interesting in the morning.  As I said after Solo and the Fett Man, I wanted to post up some pics from the last few games that I had last, for the most part, I cannot remember the exact game details, BUT the games themselves were still very entertaining and were an opportunity to get the figures on the table.

To kick these posts off, I have a Team Yankee summertime firefight involving NATO (Can-US force) and Warsaw Pact (I believe mostly East German).  The points were roughly 100-150-ish per side (heavy on the ish).  For me, this was a chance to get some 4 Brigade troops on the table, in this case a command Leopard C1 (in panthers clothing, 2 platoon of 3 x C1's, and a half battery of M109s (while still in their primed suits, they do have the proper long barrels).  If I recall, Mike fielded a Marine force of hummers...and stuff, oh and some really critical cobras.

Duncan was the bad guy...he had a bunch of East bloc kit...tanks, bmps, oh my...a bunch of stuff to get in the way...can't remember the exact make up...I'm sure he had some AAA in there as well.

Anyway, I think the scenario was a reserve type engagement with NATO attacking and East Germans having stuff in reserve until turn 3...standard FoW fare.  While the west was pumped, they sadly did not have the metal behind them to put a big dent in the WP force...I'm happy I got the models out, but some better rolling on my part...and some much more worse rolling on Duncan's really would have helped the situation.

Anyway, the table looked good, the models were fine, and the afternoon was very entertaining.

Enjoy the pics.  Cheers.

Initial setup - right flank...guns on the edge, C1's leading.  Enemy troop carriers at the opposite crest of the ridge

Steady advance on the right...I totally forgot to take pics of the left...

a boatload of hurt coming across the pontoon bridge...commies everywhere...

1. some more pics of games.
2. some pics of the first painted figs of the year, completed in January.
3. some pics of a new game I just picked up as well...