Showing posts with label Old West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old West. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Last Post of the Year - Modern and Old West

Hey folks,

For the final post of the year, I thought I’d share with you a few figures that I just recently finished. I finally got some Great Escape Games figures off the workbench and put some paint to them and a few figures that I happened upon at my LGS, from Enemy Spotted Studios (ESS).

The Great Escape Games figures were originally released as part of their Dead Man’s Hand game, and with the re-release, I’m sure they’ll figure in the game again…not to mention they’ll work with any other Old West game. It was good to finally get to these figures, I’ve had them for a number of years…and it made a great reason to watch a western or two - Young Guns and Hell on Wheels definitely had some good characters to be inspired by. Buckshot Roberts looks pretty much like Brian Keith’s character in Young Guns, and Common’s as Elam Ferguson in Hell on Wheels looks a near spitting image to the Ely Fergus, and the Preacher - well there are too many to list by name, but are some great examples on the Silver Screen.

Enemy Spotted Studios is a company that is totally new to me. I discovered them online end-summer/early fall and their two lines In-Country (ultra modern) and Killwager (sci-fi). They are a US based company with physical and digital store offering on-demand physical models and STLs - what I particularly like about the company is that the figures have a very dynamic look and appeal, and the company’s business model is to support Veterans causes with a 10% portion being donated to Vet’s programs. As well, they offer their rulesets as free digital downloads on their website. I was pretty happy to see some inventory when I was at Red Dragon a while back, and a little disappointed when I dropped by a few weeks ago and saw that everything had been sold…a good problem to have for ESS, but a little disappointing nonetheless. Anywho, I bought their INX Security Team blister, 4 unique figures each with a very dynamic pose. They were a lot of fun to paint up.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year, all the best, and enjoy the pics.


15mm          133
28mm+          62, +7

Bought         131

Progress      +64

Saturday, 16 March 2019

First Painting Update of the Year

Howdy folks,

In the interest of getting eyeballs on figs, please enjoy this very short post...

As promised I am finally getting to putting up pics of the first painting update of the year.  While I have posted painting progress, it was just to close out some painting updates from the last year.  This post is certainly a mix of genres and miniature companies and all figs were completed by the end of January.

Hope you enjoy the pics...

These two figures were from a line called Ral Partha...I'm not very familiar with it and if I recall correctly, I purchased this pack of 2 Banditos in a clearance bin...maybe in North Bay.  They did paint up quite nicely and are a little on the 'epic-y' side of the scale, but they should fit in nicely with my other figs. 

I cannot recall where Clint came from...I remember getting a little plastic bag thrown my way from my buddy Mike, but other than that...that's all I got.  The figure is a little on the small side of 28mm, especially when compared with the two amigos above...however, just like them I elected to keep the basing fairly simple on this one.  For the most part, the inspiration for Clint's paint scheme came from the Good the Bad and the Ugly.
These two are from Hasslefree Miniatures from their human sci-fi range...inspired from the Battlestar Galactica reimagined series, I couldn't wait to get to these two.  Nailing the exact colour of their uniforms was a challenge as screen shots from the series shows a wide variance in tone depending on lighting conditions...I'm pretty happy with the results and can't wait to add some more of these BSG inspired models to the fray. 
Another Hasslefree figure, I bought this zombie Doc on a whim and figured that I could add him in wherever in my gaming 'verse.  I took a little extra time to get some shades on his labcoat and show some good 'zombification' on him...I also took some extra time on the basing to get the look of post-apoc...
Finally, the last two are remainders from another blister of knights from Crusader Miniatures that I used for my SAGA Crusader army; in this case I themed them rather generically and based them for some Frostgrave-y type locales.  I thought I'd try my hand at some sculpting of extras using milliput.  I also was curious how my new painting technique would look on these figures as my previous knights were painted when I relied heavily on a base coat and a dry brush.  I'm pretty happy overall with the results, I really like how the painting came out...and I know that I certainly need some more practice on sculpting, but with fairly non-critical additions like furs or bags, the sculpting can be pretty forgiving.

2019 Expedition up Mt. Lead.

28mm          8 (+8)

Bought:       0

Progress:   +8

1. some pics from a new game I just picked up...
2. a few pics trying out Warlord's Cruel Seas...
3. a Star Wars Legion update...

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Cangames Report #3 - Con wrap up...

Howdy folks,

So, I am finally getting around to posting my final report from last months Cangames here in Ottawa...for anyone who is coming into this fresh, WELCOME, you can look to my previous two posts to see how Cangames fared this year:

Game #1 - Trench Raid
Game #2 - Helms Deep - LOTR

Unfortunately I did not have my camera on the first evening of the con...totally an oversight on my part!! For the Friday night I jumped at the opportunity to game some Old West that was being run by Mike.  When I showed up on the first eve of the Con, I saw the table setup and noticed that we had double in participation...that is always good...having played DMH before, my next thought was, how are we adapting to the extra gangs?

Originally Mike had set a cap for participation in the game however, with a bunch of interested folks looking to game, Mike did a great job of adapting and overcoming electing to run an adaptation of Warhammer's Legends of the Old West with DMH-esque posses/bands/etc.

Regardless of the ruleset, Mike ran a great game, had an excellent looking table, had enough gangs for 8 participants, and there was definitely a lot of laughs and fun had by all.  For a report on the game, feel free to check out Mike's report:

Mike's battle report - Old West Showdown

Overall I had a very good time at this past Cangames, I was hoping to see more tabletop games, however...I can't complain too loud as I wasn't able to run the game I was hoping, so I realize we all have real-life impositions...hopefully next year I can add to the offerings and maybe some other folks will be able to as well...



The pics:

Another Ed excellent table, accurately portrayed from original plans...I believe this was from the Jacobite Rebellion...
Ed ALWAYS puts on a great looking table...his minis look fabulous and his table is diorama quality work...always a treat!!
My buddy David ran an air/land/sea scenario with US Navy and Marine Expeditionary Forces assaulting Venezuela...David always has excellent scenarios!
More of Ed's excellent work...
One of the local gaming clubs had a Flames of War table, they were gaming Eastern Front, version 4...
Continuing from his zombie apocalypse game from last year, Rex was back with the next installment in the saga...