Hey everyone,
Hope all is well on your respective fronts. Given that I have been a little pre-occupied for the last few weeks, this is just a quick post to plant the May-post flag onto the blog. The good news to this tragic tale, lol...is that I have been prepping figs, painting up terrain pieces, and scratch building some terrain for a game that I'm putting on for CanGames this upcoming weekend!
The game will be using the Danger Close rules, adapting them for the con and my memory...right now planning for 4 players who will have between 3-5 figures each. I have gone back and forth on what the setting is, I did have plans to have completed a few more buildings so that this was like an isolated farmstead or basecamp. As it turns out, my time was getting taken from me, so I painted up a bunch of 'contingency' terrain pieces so that I could have something if my fabrication was delayed…which wasn’t a bad idea given the past week or so.
So anywho…I ended up fabricating 2 terrain pieces…a shack/cabin in the woods/fallout looking piece, and a larger set-piece that looks more like a garage type structure. They both have removable roofs so the interior can be used and offer some flavour to the table…I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, and I really stepped up the weathering on them.
As well, I did some quick work on some dollar store 1 inch wooden cubes, 3 x sea containers by Reaper, and handful of terrain from Mantic’s Walking Dead terrain box. All in all, really happy with the output.
Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain
15mm 27
28mm+ 26, +19
Terrain 2, +2 (28mm terrain pieces)
Bought 8
Progress +47