Showing posts with label Reaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reaper. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Cangames Prep - Odds and Bits of Terrain

Hey everyone,

Hope all is well on your respective fronts. Given that I have been a little pre-occupied for the last few weeks, this is just a quick post to plant the May-post flag onto the blog. The good news to this tragic tale, that I have been prepping figs, painting up terrain pieces, and scratch building some terrain for a game that I'm putting on for CanGames this upcoming weekend!

The game will be using the Danger Close rules, adapting them for the con and my memory...right now planning for 4 players who will have between 3-5 figures each. I have gone back and forth on what the setting is, I did have plans to have completed a few more buildings so that this was like an isolated farmstead or basecamp. As it turns out, my time was getting taken from me, so I painted up a bunch of 'contingency' terrain pieces so that I could have something if my fabrication was delayed…which wasn’t a bad idea given the past week or so.

So anywho…I ended up fabricating 2 terrain pieces…a shack/cabin in the woods/fallout looking piece, and a larger set-piece that looks more like a garage type structure. They both have removable roofs so the interior can be used and offer some flavour to the table…I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, and I really stepped up the weathering on them.

As well, I did some quick work on some dollar store 1 inch wooden cubes, 3 x sea containers by Reaper, and handful of terrain from Mantic’s Walking Dead terrain box. All in all, really happy with the output.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         27 
28mm+       26, +19


Terrain          2, +2 (28mm terrain pieces)

Bought          8

Progress   +47

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Painting Update - Random Figs

Hello everyone,

Over the past summer I made some effort to tackle figures that, while bought with the bestest of intentions, unfortunately got into the painting waiting room and drew a 3 figured service number.  Amongst that crew of recently 'NEXT' or 'served' was a trio of packs from Artizan, Hasslefree, and Reaper.

Dr. Klomps Laboratory was a purchase I made at NorthBay Hobbies during one of my drop-ins while driving through...I always like to try to support LGS's.  The figures looked good, I liked the theme, and I figured they could fit into pretty much anything from WW2 with some weirdness, post-war, or even some fantasy.

The figs were pretty good to paint...Dr. Klomp screamed mad scientist and I couldn't help but think of Red Skull while I was painting him.  His goons were pretty easy to decide on...laboratory smock and a secret police typical suit.

From Hasslefree I finally got around to painting up his version of Ash.  I recently finished watching the Ash vs. Evil Dead on Netflix...incredibly entertaining, and Lee Majors is his Dad!! Simply gold! The figure looks great and is excellently sculpted...lots of detail on this one! It painted up quick and was a hoot the entire time.

Finally, the last pack was the Brass Bull from Reaper...this was a really easy purchase from Cangames a few years the end it was dead easy to paint up and really tested the highlight and shadow techniques.  At first, I was going for all brass/gold...I can't remember what made me change, but at some point I went with lower limbs, tail, and horns as gunmetal/silver.  The spine of the beast I painted up with Vallejo Desert Yellow...the main body was Vallejo brass...the body was hit with a mix of army painter strong tone wash and citadel sepia...and any silver was hit with nuln oil.  The best setting I could imagine for this one was somewhat Frostgravey and the Northern City...

Thanks for the views and your time...cheers.

2019 Expedition up Mt. Lead.

28mm-ish     41 (+5)
15mm           3
Bought:        11

Progress:   +33

Thursday, 18 October 2018

How I painted...I mean, spent my summer...

Hello folks,

It's good to see you all...yes, previous reports of my being alive were not over exaggerated.  I am still here and to show you how I painted my summer, I thought I would share a bunch of pics of some of the figures that I finally cleared off of my workbench.

I was given these Reaper figs a little while back (thanks Mike) and really liked the look of them...they were different from what I currently had on the paintbench, different from what I was collecting, and all in all were a fun diversion to try out a different paint idea and practice shading and inks.

The Shadow came up very quickly...I think it only took a few hours over a couple of nights...and that was more to let the inks dry...the scheme itself was fairly simple, which certainly lets projects progress quickly.  I must say I am very happy with how the figure turned out in the end.

These sci-fi grunts were an interesting challenge...more so in what scheme to use.  Afterall, I had been painting a lot of Stormtroopers, so there was no motivation for me to paint them white...ugh.  Instead, I got a BSG collectable from my wife that she had found in the local comic book was one of those buy the item, open the bag, see what you get.  In this case, I got Chief Tyrol

-picture from Go Figures Collectables-

...and looking at the collectable and the figures, I decided to paint these troops up as if they were deck hands who had been given some random armour and told to be part of the security force (ala BSF for those that know the acronym).

I think the concept worked well, I'm happy with the took some mixing on my part to get the right look and shade that I was aiming yeah, another happy venture.

 Thanks as always for the looking...I hope you enjoy! 

Lead Mountain Progress - Expedition 2018


28mm: figures: 28 (+5)
            vehicles: 3

15mm: figures: 12
             vehicles: 15
             terrain: 1

Purchased - 9
Progress - +50