Another catch up post...
A few weeks back, my buddies Mike and Serge were gracious enough to save me a spot at the gaming table...and considering I was available at the last minute, I thought the least I could do was to go with the flow and game whatever rolled my way. I hadn't played any of the Warhammer inspired Lord of the Rings or Hobbit series, so it was a nice surprise to give it a go...with, thanks to the movies, something that I was somewhat familiar with.
As usual, Mike has beaten me to this punch a while back, feel free to see the table from his side here. Also, you can see Serge's painting of the Dwarves here.
So, kind of my last experience with Warhammer, I didn't have any of the rule books and was just happy to sit there, move some great looking figures and throw bucketloads of dice on the table...sometimes good things happened, lots of times not so good things happened. The overall look was familiar, but I really do think that is owing to the movie/literature background.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics and random comments/thoughts.
Take care.
Overall setup...I'm leading a bunch green blooded goblin retches...from the bottom of the table to the ville...Mike has bad-men on the crest of the hill at the top and Urak Hai from the road just off-frame on the right...
my batch of awesome bastard goblins...painted up by Mike...they look great, nice banner...I didn't have to put much thought into running these guys...
Serge is leading the Dwarves...somehow sensing bad-ness around him, he sets up his small band between a couple of buildings almost forming a defensive hollow square...
My guys roll in a turn after the bad men have made contact...
The Urak Hai running in from the roadside...they also looked pretty awesome and intimidating...I love the random dude running on the hillside...he looks very LOTR meets the bloody Sound of Music...
Another pic of my homeboys charging in...nice little furball developing here...the banner dude gave me a re-roll on my attack...the long spears allowed me to support the guy at the front of the file...worked out not too bad...lots of dice thrown, I kind of just listened for Mike to tell me what the roll meant...
The Dwarves get a taste of a goblin/badman sandwich...doesn't taste good they said...not good at all...
Overview shot of the carnage...although there are a lot of baddies about, the Dwarves have an incredible ability to soak up damage and have some pretty amazing stats...
More overhead shots...
These green blooded bastards were fun...didn't really accomplish much...they left some pretty ghastly looking corpses...
Take care.