Showing posts with label Thank you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thank you. Show all posts

Friday, 12 January 2024

A New Year & A New Decade

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your end of the WiFi…Happy New Year and all the best in the year to come!!

This post marks a considerable milestone for this blog of mine, we are officially at 10 years of me droning on about my gaming woes, hopefully showing some progress on painting, and random thoughts on gaming and what I see in the community…as I still see myself as a novice to the hobby, I like to think there’s still a world to see out there, so much more to discover. 

It’s been a heck of decade…and in that time I’ve published 327 posts + this one here…so 328. We’ve had just under a quarter of a million views, around 217k, and all in all about 725+ comments left to mark our thoughts. I’d like to say thanks to all the bots, fake accounts, and spammers out there who have made the post count what it is today. If it weren’t for their work, I might actually know what the world thought of my ramblings. More importantly, thanks to the real people out there who pop by everyday…without you folks, who knows…so to the dozen or so real folk out there…thanks! Lol, actually to the 3 dozen-ish followers, thanks for your time!

So with that, I just wanted to say…Thank you!

Friday, 10 June 2022

Customer Service Shout-out: 6 Squared Studios

Howdy everyone, 

I hope you are having an excellent Friday. I just wanted to throw out a quick post of thanks to the folks over at 6 Squared Studios and some really great service that I got from them recently. Just over a week ago I made an order with these folks to get some of their MDF bases...I seem to be running short and I recently snagged a bunch of figures from Empress Miniatures and am giving Spectre Miniatures a try.

Anyway, not only was I short of bases, I also needed a few different sizes to accommodate the various figures that I picked up. So, like I said I made my order just over a week ago, about 3-4 days later I got an email from them saying that the order was processed (200 round bases, 10 larger rounds, 10 rectangles). I looked up the service standards for Canada Post and was ready to have them show up in my mailbox by today (Friday 10 June)...

Much to my surprise, they showed up 3 days ago and they were issue-free. So again, I just wanted to give these folks a shout-out and thanks!.

2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               30
28mm+             23
Bought              23, +13 (Empress and Spectre)

Progress          +30

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Customer service SHOUT-OUT...Thank you

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to post a quick shout-out to some customer service that I recently received that really surpassed my expectation.  In November I posted a review for Battlefronts Leopard 1 was pretty happy with the idea of getting my Canuck C1's on the road.

I was kind of bummed when the box had some issues...the treads were warped and one of the hulls had bubbles in the, I emailed the folks at Battlefront and gave them a run down of the issues.  I was really hoping for a replacement tank or 2...but instead, this showed up in the mail:

Wow! And when I opened up the box and checked...the tracks were straight as hell...outstanding!

Look Ma! No bubbles!!

So, to say the least I was very surprised, pleasantly, with the steps that the folks at Battlefront took to address the issues I had with the models.  I admit, I was hoping for a tank or two, but certainly was not expecting a fresh box.

Thank you you can see by my current figures on the painting pallet, here's to more Team Yankee in the New Year.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

30,000 Views and climbing...THANK YOU ALL!!!

Howdy folks,

At some point over the last two posts, this little blog of ours has managed to climb above the 30,000 views milestone...for all your looks, views, advice, and comments...thank you!

Thank you very much for the time and attention and sharing in whatever hobby theme has my temporary focus.  I appreciate your time as it does help me better prioritize and focus my hobby time.

To celebrate, I have foregone the usual celebratory number in balloons...instead, I thought a new background pic of some of the years minis and games...

Thank you's to 40K down the road.


Sunday, 3 January 2016

Hail the new year...where to? where from?

Howdy folks,

Happy New Year to all...I hope the holiday season was good to you, I hope the new year see's health and good tidings on the horizon.  I just crept past the 2nd anniversary of this humble little blog and am pretty happy with how the blog's going...

Since 2014, I have published 92 various posts to the internets...not bad for a overall stock of unfinished figs is...very very slowly purchasing...not so much so, lol.  I have steadily tackled lead mountain...or shelf of shame as Mike would say...I have added, but I am definitely trying to be more tactical about it...define project and then purchase, not the other way around.

When 2014 wound to a finish, I was pretty happy with finishing nearly 100 figures (mixed scales), 45 vehicles, and 11 aircraft...with this bit of progress I set my goals for 2015:
  1. Have more and more fun!! Goes without saying.   Accomplished!!
  2. I'd like to try a major gaming convention this year...I'll have to get some input from the guys.  Not accomplished! Maybe next year, depends on life's other distractions...
  3. Vietnam:
    • Finish my Air Cav helo's
    • Start to put paint to my Viet Cong...hmmm, Hell Yeah!! The Cav were finished and my VC have been started...double Accomplished!!!!
  4. WW1: Start to assemble and paint my Battlefront Germans and Vimy Ridge Canadians...Mike has already kindly offered to steal my research, so I've got that going for me...I have started, my second CEF rifle platoon is almost partially accomplished.
  5. Cold War: Start to paint some 4CMBG infantry and convert my Battlefront 'nam M113s to A2 and A3 variants...hahaha, no fricking way...definitely not accomplished...however, with the release of Team Yankee, maybe 4 CMBG will be back on the table...Leopard 1's please Battlefront...please.
  6. Keep working through the past project pile...Afrika Korps, Old West, FJs...increase my painting output...fairly neutral...I did get to a bunch of FJ's, and some Old West dudes, but my DAK have languished another year...along with some other pieces started long ago...
The Cav...major success story for the year...
6 point Crusader Warband for SAGA...another success.
Perhaps my biggest success of the year though was the overall progress through lead mountain...for the year 2015...I was able to paint:
  • 31 x 15mm figs painted in 2014 but finished in 2015
  • 16 x terrain and objective pieces
  • 25 x 15mm vehicles painted and finished
  • 58 x 28mm figures...increase from 2014
  • 223 x 15mm figures...DRAMATIC increase from 2014...very happy with this, main lesson is that time spent on preparation, like time on NEVER wasted.
So with these 2 big successes behind me, the dawning of the new year...
how will the next year look for this blog: 
  1. Continue to have more fun!! Always an excellent goal.
  2. At the club, we have some Team Yankee coming down the pipe...I managed to pick up the Soviet box at the end of the year, so that will be the immediate goal.  My side objective to this is to limit all of my purchases to only Team Yankee related items.
  3. Continue with my Vietnam Main Force VC...when I need a break from the main projects, the VC will fit in nicely.
  4. Get moving on my WW1: Finish off my CEF...I have some artillery and HMGs to go...and get my Germans on the painting schedule.
  5. For Christmas, my wife bought into the Lich King Nickstarter for I would like to tackle some Frostgrave in the new year...paint the cultists...some more of the extras...maybe some terrain
  6. Keep working through lead mountain...I have some awesome figs that need to see the world...amongst them my DAK, FJs, and Mr. Harolds awesome Kickstarter...must get these worked on...
All the best in the year to come...good luck with your small endeavours.


Thursday, 11 June 2015

20,000 Views...THANK YOU!!!

Howdy everyone,

The month of June is fast upon us...the painting queue is very much alive and well.  Since my Cangames fun and shameless photo promo of my Air Cavalry Troop (very proud of those lads) I have been working on SAGA crusaders, Vietnamese resistance teams, and VC main force.

However, over the past few days I have lept across the 20,000 views all of you out there, thank you for the views, comments, and advice over the past 18 months.


Monday, 26 January 2015

10,000 views...THANK YOU

Happy Monday everyone...

Well maybe not happy, however a big thank you to all of you for your views and comments.  Sometime over the past couple of days we jumped over the 10,000

More pics coming soon...I just finished up a Hazmat team courtesy of Khurasan and just finished gluing up some WW1 heavy metal last night...more to come.

Thanks folks.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Thank you...5,000+ Views...

Well everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you very much...sometime over the past week we (yes, we) lept over the 5000 views hurdle.   Please alow me to say thank you all...literally would not have happened without you.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

1000+ hits!!

Wow!! You've given me over 1000 views in a very short period of time...I appreciate the attention and your time as I try to motivate and focus my hobby time into completing my various projects and whims.

Simply put...Thanks folks.