Showing posts with label Copplestone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copplestone. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

More painting and basing

Hey, hey,

I've been moving along trying to make some progress and was able to get some basing done on some figs...again, did not take nearly as long as my mind thinks it does...and for some reason it always comes as a surprise to me when I'm done...

Oh well...this time I've got some Battlefront Mule teams for Mountaineers and Italian fighting...not to mention a really great Force on Force 'Fog of War' card "I've seen that mule before".  A few more adventurers from Copplestone, some Kiss Kiss Bang Bang as well.  There's a random Assault Group figure, an Artizan wild west fig, and two more Renegade WW1 minis.

Take care.

15mm - Battlefront Mule Teams 

28mm - Copplestone Adventurer's
 28mm - Copplestone Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

28mm- The Assault Group

28mm - Renegade WW1

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Taking stock

Hey folks,

Today I thought I'd get a look at some of the figs and vehicles that I've painted throughout the past year in an effort to gear me up for the challenge ahead: reduce the WIP pile on my workbench!!

My main era's of interest range from near-future to modern to World Wars and back to old west...As you can see I'm limiting the pics while I learn the fine art of miniature picture taking...the lighting was not on my side today.  However, I hope you can enjoy some of the pics anyway.


Battlefront (15mm) sherman boxes done up as Canadian Armored.  I have intentionally left the div markings off because my OCD couldn't choose between the div's and brigades...

 A mix of 28mm Artizan and Blue Moon (I think) old west figures...

28mm figs from two different packs of Copplestone...back of beyond Adventurer (ala The Mummy Brendan Fraser) and RCW command/character figs...

And lastly another samply of Battlefront with their M113 box set from the initial release...