Saturday 8 May 2021

May the Fourth-ish...

 Hello everyone,

Well, I missed the May the Fourth window, but if I hadn't, I would have posted some pics of a couple of Star Wars Legion characters that I got for Christmas. Although not really in the timeline that I am gaming, it was great to see Darth Maul and Cad Bane show up for the holidays.

Both poses are pretty dynamic and were a treat to paint up. Surprisingly they came up quite quickly for me and I am very happy with their turnout.

With Cad Bane all I got was this old west vibe and really want to punch up the hat and coat. His skin tones and equipment were an interesting colour mix for me, but I think they turned out really well. The box came with a couple of options for head and facial expressions, but I couldn't turn that hat down.

Darth Maul was a very expressive figure and really captured the look and feel of the Phantom Menace...or should I say, Ray Park really captured the look and feel of Maul. Either way, they are both quite complimentary and the all dark wardrobe was a good exercise in dark tones and highlights.

Here are the pics, pardon the quality...trying my phone these days, enjoy!

Lead Mountain - 2021
Large scale            2
28mm                    4, +2 (Maul and Bane)

Bought                  2
Progress              +4

Wednesday 5 May 2021

A Few Crisis Protocol Heroes

 Hello everyone,

I hope all is well on your side. I thought I'd get my post count a moving and bring you a couple of figures from the Marvel Crisis Protocol starter box. I am just about through all the characters in the box, Doc Octopus and the Baron are waiting their turn, and am really liking these figures. They definitely are a test to the painting technique and skill but boy are they a lot of fun to paint up.

So for today, I have Captain Marvel and Crossbones. For both of these figures, I turned to my guy Sorastro for guidance and inspiration and found his video on Youtube and pdf guide on his website.

I have to say, Crossbones was pretty easy going compared to Captain Marvel, but was not without its challenges to paint up to the same standard. In the end, it was a real joy to paint...and I'm super happy with how it turned out. Marvel on the other hand was a definite exercise in patience and colour control. I did have to go back a couple of times to get the look and feel that I wanted, but again I am really happy with the turnout.

Enjoy the pics, and see you in a bit.

Crossbones and Captain Marvel...

a relatively easier paint scheme than that of Marvel's, Crossbones was alot of fun to paint up and definitely was a different take on equipment and dress that I was 'somewhat' used to having tackled a fair amount of moderns beforehand.

with this style, a much heavier approach to highlights than I had tried in the past with any of my previous TAG moderns, but I really like how it turned out...and the skull is just so Punisher-esque, I really pushed to highlight it even more...

Captain Marvel is alot of highlight and source lighting in motion...I found her a real challenge and I think I went back at least 3 times in sections to get the look and feel that I liked. Looking at how Sorastro approached her basing (he references another site that I simply cannot remember), I couldn't help but want to achieve that level of pop and energy...I may have gone a little overboard on it, but I really like the contrast between the glow and the dull of the base.

Lead Mountain - 2021

Large scale          2
28mm                +2 (Capt Marvel, Crossbones)

Bought:              2

Progress            +2