Showing posts with label Rogue Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rogue Stars. Show all posts

Friday, 29 April 2022

Painting Update - Random Pieces

Howdy folks,

I hope all is going well on your respective sides of the dice.

Coming up to the end of the month, I thought it would be good to have a general painting update...nothing specific like my recent Marvel Crisis Protocol figures, but some progress nonetheless with a few pieces that cover a range of potential settings.

Mostly guided by my Afropia imagi-nation project, I have been roughing out some scenarios and campaigning ideas (game selection, force size, etc.) and thought that one of the constants certainly in post WW2 warfare/conflict has been the element of civil-military cooperative efforts for development. In the case of Afropia and more recent conflicts, I wanted to have some general construction vehicles, so I purchased a couple of D7 Bulldozers from Skytrex Miniatures. I know these are more in line with WW2, but I think they'll work for anything spanning the last 70 years or so.

At the same time, I wanted to have some scatter pieces that could work for a variety of settings be it military facilities, dockyards, etc. so I also purchased a few of their cargo loads for military vehicles. I picked up a couple of each, a cargo section of oil drums and boxes. Having recently played some Farcry 6, I was inspired to paint up my oil drums in a very nice looking Olive Green and Vermillion mix matching those drums found all around Yara.

And because some of these pieces are rather finicky at their edges (chipping or rubbing paint off) I thought I would try basing them on some MDF board that I had kicking around. At the same time, I also painted up some blank pieces so I could either have concrete platforms for 15mm or cargo pallets for 28mm...I thought they could mix well with any of the Rogue Stars, Stargrave, or Zona Alfa universe/scenarios. The painting on them is a little scratchy but given I haven’t seen too many clean pallets and/or pristinely painted area at aerodromes. Anyway, they should work at the tabletop level…

Thats all for now, take care folks...enjoy the pics.

2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               24, +16
28mm+             21
Bought            +10

Progress          +35

Friday, 25 March 2022

More Cyber - Monster Fight Club

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your respective frontages. I thought I would take the opportunity to throw a quick painting update on a couple of more Cyberpunk figures from Monster Fight Club. As before, I found these figures to be quite clean and they take paint really well. The hardest part of the process was deciding on the paintjob...and I must say that they definitely evolved while they were on the paint table.

In the end I wanted something that had some colour, and ironically without being too sci-fi' I ended up with an improvised camouflage pattern (similar to some old NZ camo smocks I think) on the one figure and just some classic special ops, brown and green with the other. And as I seem to be doing consistently doing with these figures, I painted on some street/sidewalk texture as opposed to my more routine basing techniques.

I think these figures will definitely find a home in a few genres and 'verses. So, I'm pretty happy with the turnout, enjoy the pics.


2022 Lead Mountain Climb


15mm               8 
28mm+             19, +2
Bought              0

Progress          +27

Friday, 31 December 2021

Leaving 2021 style?

Hey folks,
As I see the end of the year looming closer and closer, I also wanted to get ahead of any end-year/new year malaise and make my final post for 2021.

2021...Oh what a year. A few parts of brilliance, a few more of WTF, with heavy splashes of m'eh and the end of the day, this year too will end. I will give brief acknowledgement to Covid as it definitely fits into each part of the year. And has a share in the very mild woe's (certainly in relation to the bigger picture) that plague my hobby progress

To be honest, working from home has been quite brilliant. That too has brought a few WTF and are you kidding me moments. And I have to admit, my painting has gone through the range of brilliance and m'eh. My output is definitely not shattering records...although I am happy to be in the triple digits (largely in part to my return to 15mm). I am really happy with how my Marvel figures are turning out, admittedly they do give my OCD a run for its money and some of them have taken a crazy amount of time to finish, but the figures really are great.

If I had to capture the years most brilliant painting moments it would have to be the competitions that I was able to enter in...and was quite successful! So, yeah me...and it also brought some considerable WTF moments as this venture took a large amount of my overall painting time, and some of my biggest f$#k ups...dropping and breaking one large scale sculpture at the 50% completion point, and giving a 3d printed Mandalorian a prep wash - and then forgetting about it to the point where the bust...well, busted out. So some success and some hard lessons.

My quick thought for looming projects brings me to more Team Yankee, the Nam, and things 15mm: perhaps an inspired region of the world of my own design and historiography so I can move away from set army lists and just get some figures on the table (maybe using FoF or maybe AK47 rules). As well, given the success of our recent Star Wars Legion game, I am thinking scenarios and more games are I'm looking forward to that. In terms of other painting and terrain goals...I may have to give the new Sanctum Sanctorum model a shot; some 28mm-ish terrain ala Blade Runner keeps popping around in my head; and of course terrain to support my fantasia planning and our The Nam Ace campaign.

So, lots to think about.

Anyhow, I hope the next year finds you safe, healthy, and better than the last. And of course, with the though of leaving in style, please see some pics of my recent scatter terrain painting thanks to Modiphius Fallout Wasteland Warfare and some 3d printed pieces from my buddy Duncan...these pieces turned out great and will work for a wide variety of settings!

TAKE CARE...and Happy New Year.
Some 3d printed pieces...the fridge and toolbox are from Modiphius's Fallout sampler (it is free!!!). The cargo boxes come from Legion Terrain from their scatter bundle.

The fridge was a great exercise in painted heavily weathered came up very quick and was actually quite enjoyable.

These barriers are physical models from Modiphius. These ones also came up quite quickly and I enjoyed working out a rusting/weather technique for them.

Lead Mountain 2021 FINAL TALLY
Large scale              3
28mm                     35, +10
15mm                   102

Bought                  30, +6 (the barriers were bought this summer from a LGS)

Progress               +110 (just over the 3 digit mark, but I'll take it)

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Cyberpunk Monster Fight Club style...

Hello Everyone,
I hope all is well out there...over the course of last years lockdown I discovered a few new creators and distribution points for miniatures. One of those that were new to me was Monster Fight Club. Since then I have seen some references to kickstarter and thanks to their newsletter I am seeing their latest updates as they go live and to their store.

Inspired by a post I saw on a reddit group, I went over and saw some of the Cyberpunk range that Monster Fight Club has. Liking what I saw and very reminiscent of the original Blade Runner, I picked out a 'Deckard' looking figure that comes with a body suitable enough to look cyborgy for him to loom over if you want to make a diorama of it all...I also grabbed another blister to rationalize the shipping.

Happy to say that these characters made it onto the work bench and offered me a chance to try some different techniques on basing. Specifically, solely painting on street-worn sidewalk and texturing. The figures themselves looked outstanding and were very clean . They painted up nicely and I was able to do a nice homage to Deckard in a pseudo-CSI theme...or given the blue gloves, '2 by 2 hands of blue'...for any browncoats out there...

Anyway, I hope you like the figures, enjoy the pics...and be careful out there <<cue Hill Street Blues music>>

Lead Mountain - 2021
Large scale            2
28mm                    9 +2 (cops)

Bought                  5
Progress              +6

Saturday, 8 May 2021

May the Fourth-ish...

 Hello everyone,

Well, I missed the May the Fourth window, but if I hadn't, I would have posted some pics of a couple of Star Wars Legion characters that I got for Christmas. Although not really in the timeline that I am gaming, it was great to see Darth Maul and Cad Bane show up for the holidays.

Both poses are pretty dynamic and were a treat to paint up. Surprisingly they came up quite quickly for me and I am very happy with their turnout.

With Cad Bane all I got was this old west vibe and really want to punch up the hat and coat. His skin tones and equipment were an interesting colour mix for me, but I think they turned out really well. The box came with a couple of options for head and facial expressions, but I couldn't turn that hat down.

Darth Maul was a very expressive figure and really captured the look and feel of the Phantom Menace...or should I say, Ray Park really captured the look and feel of Maul. Either way, they are both quite complimentary and the all dark wardrobe was a good exercise in dark tones and highlights.

Here are the pics, pardon the quality...trying my phone these days, enjoy!

Lead Mountain - 2021
Large scale            2
28mm                    4, +2 (Maul and Bane)

Bought                  2
Progress              +4

Thursday, 24 December 2020

The 1st Post Over Christmas...

Of course, in the tune of 12 days of Christmas...
For the first post over Christmas,
I have to share with you...
A figure from HassleFree.

Howdy all,

I hope everything is going well. As promised, I am trying to get my count up with some substance, lol. I really liked this figure, great pose and great theme. Inspired by Finn from the latest Star Wars is a great representation.

So, I hope you enjoy the pics...

Hike up Lead Mountain 2020

28mm               57 (+1)
15mm               135

Bought:            2

Progress:          +190

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Quick update - Hasslefree Rogue Drax

Howdy folks,

Just a quick update today...I recently finished up a great looking figure that I bought from Hasslefree quite some time ago. Easily usable in many settings/themes, the Rogue Drax was going to fit into my Zona Alfa game that I was going to run for CanGames this past May.

I have intentionally painted the basing on this one to match some of my previous Rogue Stars figures, so there will be some continuity there. Overall, my inspiration for this Drax was Officer K from BladeRunner 2049...

I hope I captured it well, and regardless am very happy with the results.

Hike up Lead Mountain 2020

28mm          54 (+1, Rogue Drax)
15mm          43

Bought:       0

Progress:    +97