Showing posts with label D&D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D&D. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Cangames - Somewhat Random Pics

Howdy all,

CanGames has come and gone for a few weeks now, and gotta say it was great to get back to the gaming side of life. I have a couple of battle reports to complete but I wanted to bring you the (somewhat) random dumping of pics from my camera roll. I hope you enjoy! As you can see there were some great looking tables and games...really great to see the talent again. I hope you enjoy the pics…not much else to say, great to see the ‘Games again…hoping to be in a position next year to contribute.


This one looked like a Russian Civil War table…looked really good.

A fabulous looking Lord Of The Rings game…Helms Deep (I played this table a few years back) run by my buddy Serge. Great looking table and some really good game aids for everyone.

My buddy David ran an ultra modern Bakhmut scenario…it was very much a soldiers level game complete with pics of real-world viewpoints.

This one was a large scale Wild West scenario…

This was a very cool looking tabletop RPG…complete with a functioning waterfall. It looked really cool.

This was another game run by my buddy Serge, tank battle at Kursk, 15mm flames of war…

A pic of the regular D&D Dungeon crawl…great looking terrain.

I have no idea what these game systems were, or the scenarios…but they all looked really good.

One of the local vendors and artisans…she had some great looking dioramas…

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

A Few Randoms

Howdy folks,

I hope all is well on your end. Not too much going on around here, hopefully you are able to get out and enjoy the summer weather wherever you are.

Just a quick post today on a few figures that I was able to get finished up. A friend of mine recently started to bring in some family D&D nights to their household...and asked me if I would paint up a figure for her dungeon crawling.

If I got it right, her character is an Elf mage type wizard/witch kinda being with fire and ice being her main powers...apologies to those out there that actually know the words I was supposed to say but didn't get right. In this iteration of her character (I have a second I need to paint), I chose the fire ability to be the predominant colour with a nod to the ice ability through the blue areas. The biggest stipulation, the figure needed to have green hair.

The second figure I have is another piece from Monster Fight Club...this time a cyberpunky-post apocalyptic clown that really does a great nod to Stephen King's IT. It is a lot of white, but the interspersing of red in model helped break up the 'white noise' that I get when I think of painting stormtroopers. Oh yeah, it also gave me an opportunity to try out some of the Turbodork colours that I won in June's painting contest at Red Dragon.
And the third figure is from Modiphius from their Fallout Wasteland Warfare December I posted 2/3's of the Sanctuary Hills Survivors (the Survivor and Dogmeat). I have finally gotten around to finishing Codsworth. I know, I know...he's literally been on the table within paintbrush reach and I had not gotten to completing until just now. To be honest, I think Codsworth is one of my LEAST favourite characters from Fallout so maybe that had a lot to do with it...but I suffered well and finally got him finished.
I hope you enjoy the pics.



The balloons received the turbodork treatment...for the most part, these colour shift paints all need to have a black basecoat to go over and then apply multiple thin layers of the colour. To try things out, I decided to basecoat the top balloon in white and the other 3 in black. I then applied redrum (white basecoat), blue raspberry, electrum, and redrum (black basecoat)


Lead Mountain 2021
Large scale           3
28mm                  20, +3

Bought                22, +1

Progress              +1