Thursday 17 October 2024

Painting Update - Sam Wilson, Captain America

Howdy folks,

I thought I’d do up a quick post just to give some proof of life that I have actually been painting something other than Flames of War, and that yes…Marvel Crisis Protocol is still alive and well on my side of the internets. Admittedly, this one had been sitting partially completed on the work table for much longer than he should have. I had originally started off on both War Machine and Cap, but I was not happy with how War Machine went together…I had some considerable assembly issues with parts not lining up and not seating into each other.

Which is what probably soured the Captain America figure…even though I had completed the base and the base coat…it nonetheless had to sit through some considerable uncertainty. I did not follow through with the War Machine figure as its dysfunction was painfully obvious and no amount of paint was going to save him. I do have to say, good customer service, I explained my issue with Atomic Mass Games and their Canadian supplier and while they could not supply me with a new War Machine, they did provide me with a box of my choice that was roughly the same cost…so I did appreciate their assist there.

Now onto Captain Sam Wilson America…great looking figure, very dynamic pose and the explosion on the base was a lot of fun to paint up. Once I got my head settled, he did not take that long to finish painting…I actually think he’s been done and in the display case for almost 4-6 months. I did refer back to Sorastro’s awesome guide for Captain Steve Rogers America to help keep me close in colour pallet.

Anywho, please enjoy the pics.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         131
28mm+       44, +1 (Cap)


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +169

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