Friday 23 August 2024

Red Dawn - Soviet Airborne VDV

Hey folks,

I hope the week has been well for you on our respective side of the internets. Just a quick post to bring in the weekend, I finally got around to finishing up the BTR’s and the troops from the Red Dawn VDV BMD Assault Battalion. It doesn’t feel that long ago that I finished the BMD’s and its a good feeling to get the AAA and grunts finished.

The BTR’s are resin and metal…and I think I preferred the plastic BMD’s…the prep on them felt about the same and the metal figures painted up really well. All in all it didn’t take to much time to get the 2 platoons finished, along with the special Red Dawn command stand, and I think they look great…even with all their berets. I think I would’ve preferred a mix of headgear…but they look really movie cool,so there’s at least that.

The box came with some extra command figs, Officer and radioman, so I did them up as singletons for Force on Force and whatever other modern ruleset I can fit figs into.

Anywho, here goes with the pics…enjoy.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         100, +51
28mm+       43


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +137

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Painting Update - 15mm Odds & Sods

Howdy folks,

I hope your end of summer is going well. I know some folks are literally wading through a buttload of precipitation and rainfall, so best of luck to them, here’s to keeping dry in challenging times. This is a quick post to showcase some pieces that I was able to get off the painting table recently…and it’s kinda neat because the majority of them are some old-school Battlefront/Flames of War ‘bailed-out’ crew markers/figures.

I was rooting through my bits boxes in the past few months and found a few figures from various US, UK, Soviet, and Germany blisters from the early years of my dip into the hobby. Anywho, given that FoW stopped including bailed crew, I thought I’d paint these up for Force on Force and themed to include Afropia as well as the standard modern warfare settings. 

You can see a few of these figures are sporting Desert Yellow coloured headgear…that’s in line with FoF to discriminate the leaders from the line troops. I think these figs will do great as resistance fighters for WW2 or postwar, criminal elements, or militants for Afropia.

Enjoy the pics…

I had found a couple of random leftover figs…front rank has SMG packing soviet soldat and Commonwealth warrior from Battlefront’s Monte Cassino warrior pack.

Journey up Lead/Plastic Mountain


15mm         49, +22 
28mm+       43


Terrain        2

Bought        8

Progress   +86