Quite some time ago, I was looking through my emails and eyeing some of the nice previews of what was coming out and what I might be curious to paint and/or try gaming. One of the previews that caught my eye was Modiphius's Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. When I saw the initial renders of the Fallout figures, my interest was definitely peaked. I had been playing Fallout 4 off and on for some time and I really liked the feel of the story, the setting, and retro sci-fi post apocalyptic world that was created.
Needless to say my son was a huge fan of the game and whenever he was not keeping me abreast of his progress, he made sure to check in on mine. So, when I read the email and saw the figs, I passed the email to him.
I can definitely say he was a fan of what he saw...the downside has been that he greatly appreciates the work that goes into the hobby, he has not caught the painting bug...so, if I was going to jump into this it would be somewhat one-sided on the whole venture. For the most part, I did not hop on the Fallout bandwagon and kept my distance by and large. I kept track of the progress from Modiphius and admired the figures via email but it wasn't until I saw the starter box in my LGS at a VERY reasonable price that I made my purchase.
To be fully transparent, I have yet to game this thing...I do like the looks of what they have made, I also bought the Boston Companions expansion because I liked the looks of the figures. At the moment, it remains a painting project nothing else...
After unboxing the starter kit and expansion...and after getting paintbrush downrange on these guys I am somewhat torn on what to think. The figures look good! They are sculpted well, I seem to have not been bitten by any of the production bugs that I heard were out there. However, when stacked next to my current 28's (pick your range/manufacturer) they seem rather small and certainly unepic.
For 32mm's they look scrawny...I think this is why it took me some time to get them on the paint station...they just didn't live up to my expectations. Now, to be fair, there were also some cost considerations that also kept them off the table, but the boxart did look really good. With that, I bowed, and took to the Boston Companions Expansion...the best part of the model is definitely the sculpt...they look good, very dynamic, and you get a dynamic base to go along with them.
Overall, I am happy with the figs...I don't know what I will buy in the future...as it stands it is only a painting project, however once I get to painting up the starter box I may have a change of heart.
Hope you enjoy the pics.
The Boston Companions...Piper, X6, and Cait
pic taken with flash...I was having a bugger of a time with pics on this day...
Piper...I actually had a lot of fun trying to capture her look...the coat was interested and I ended up painting to bands of colour and then wet brushing them in to get the smooth overlap of colours...first time I've tried this technique.
X6...I really liked this figure and pose...the coat and syndicate laser just stood out and screamed to be painted.
2019 Expedition up Mt. Lead.
28mm-ish 36 (+3)
15mm 3
Bought: 11
Progress: +28
Not much food in a waste land I guess?
I think the sculpts look ok but not great, but the bases are really well done. Nice job painting them all the same.
Been through this a few times where models didn't match my imagination, but I certainly never painted them!
Thanks Mike...yeah, food choices are at a premium. I have to admit it did take some time for the figs to grow on me. I think my hopes and appeal of Fallout4 won out and made me push to get them painted...we'll see if this means a long term commitment or not
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