Tuesday 30 April 2024

Danger Close - Another Test-Run

Howdy folks,

I hope all is going well on your sides of the internets. Well, as the title says, this is another play test of the Danger Close rules from Empress Miniatures. This time out, I had a little help from Duncan…I wanted to get his thoughts on the flow and mechanics of the game. So,we both squared off against each other and gave the rules a try. Spoiler Alert, it was another successful go with the rules, I think they are nice and simple, and yes, I am horrible at rolling the dice…Duncan soundly trounced all over my team.

So with that, here are the main details of the game and some pics to enjoy…take care.

The details: 

The crew: Duncan and I each had a fireteam of 5 personnel, fairly standard armament - carbines and one SAW (squad automatic weapons, ala C9, M249, etc.), I think we included optics (give a modification on spotting and shooting), and body armour of some type. 

Objective: again, I didn’t really think of any going into this…I ended up dropping a bag of weapons in the middle of the table and each crew was tasked with retrieving it.

Thoughts: again, fairly straightforward, but it was really good to get the perspectives from Duncan. There is a little bit of administration that goes into the game, token keeping stuff and whatnot. There were some ‘holes’ in the rules, but again nothing that some improv couldn’t fix. I think the biggest thing is that the tables can be a little problematic and confusing…I didn’t notice that too much the first time, but it was definitely a factor in our game.

And now, the pics:

The layout, kit bag of guns (blue bag) in the centre of the table. Duncan at the top, deployed and moved in behind some barricades. I’m ingress in from the bottom of the pic, between the two buildings on the right.

Slowly making my way up the table.

I made my way into the building…and Duncan made some pretty great rolls to snipe my guys on the inside.

Outside, I am having success spotting Duncan’s crew, but my die rolls suck hard…

Another one bites the dust…sniped..and down. 

And the rest of the team is feeling the pain.

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