Inspired from some musings during out last Force On Force game, SS Maersk Grozny, I decided to get some 28mm painting in so that perhaps in the near future I can convince Duncan and the others to move towards some Ambush Z, World War Z, or Zombies gaming depending on your label of choice.
At some point after the Maersk, Duncan had said that he would only entertain certain scenarios at, armed with that I thought I'd tackle some Hasslefree figs that I had bought some time ago. These figs are great...outstanding details, very clean, and with such character it is hard to limit your purchases.
With post-apoc and zombie futures in mind, I give you a mad Max, Bubba the Elvis-onator, and Nomad the gunBear...
**EDIT: thanks to some very keen eyes, I mis-ID'ed Max. This fig is actually from Studio I just have to figure out how it came into my collection, lol...
Mandatory group shot..I tried a few filters on the top pic...original below it...

I tried to paint Max as if he was walking down a cratered and very dirty road...not too much on his mind that his double barrel can't mend...

Since I took these pics, I also flocked the base with some yellow-ish, summertime burnt grass.
I really like the idea of an Elvis impersonator or the man himself standing around in jumper, guitar, and pistol in hand. If you're a fan of the movie "3000 Miles to Graceland" then I'm sure you'll like this fig...
I thought I'd paint Bubba standing in the remains of his favourite 50's diner

Well armed for the coming apocalypse is Nomad...a great looking figure armed with C9 (or M249 or SAW or Minimi depending on your label), MP-5 SMG, pistol, and a plethora of magazines.

Those look really good.
I am certainly up for zombie gaming!
Hah I like the Elvis that is pretty cool. I would be done for dabbling in a bit of Zombie stuff.
Thanks Duncan...of course, this now means I have to figure out how many zombies I have, lol.
Thanks Mike...the only thing missing is a peanut butter and banana sandwich in his other hand...
I did get a bunch of the Warlord Games Project Z figures so I can paint some of them up.
That would be great! I picked up a box of painted zombies a few years back as well...they're a mix of Hasslefree and others...a few dozen at least...
Very nicely done!
Thank you Paul
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