Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Rogue Stars - Mercenaries

Howdy everyone,

Happy end of February...hard to believe that March is literally hours away...or I guess already upon you depending on your zone.  I have maintained my e-silence over the past month but have still plugged away at painting.

I have to admit, over the past month I made a slight deke from Vikings over to the science fiction realm...I received the Rogue Stars book and some figs for Christmas and I thought I'd give them a go on the painting bench.

While I haven't had the chance to read through the rule book in great detail, I do enjoy the artwork and concepts of the ruleset...there are a multitude of options available to game in numerous settings with many possible random events effecting table setup and effect on your squad/section of sci-fi troops.

Taking a look at the possible 'factions' for my squad, I elected to theme my group as mercenaries to start...I like the looks of the Assassin, Sniper Bot, and the Baron...and thought they'd go great together as a futuristic Mad Mike or Badlands like crew.

Hope you enjoy the pics.

The Crew...the Baron's collection of futuristic misfits. I really like how these guys turned out.  The figures have a good weight to them, had a bit of flash on them but didn't take to much to prep.  Given the futuristic setting, I thought I'd try a different gritty sci-fi theme to the basing...in many sci-fi movies I've seen there are always long corridors of grated flooring to walk on...

The Assassin...I started with this fig first...I wanted to have a common look amongst the figures rather than just their base material...so I thought I'd start with a red jumpsuit with dark blue highlights... 

 I guess I think of the Bot as Bender with a big f'ing gun...a lot of attitude, a healthy hate for humans and flesh bags, with a little bit of larceny and loose morals thrown in for good measure...

Keeping with the theme of the crew, I painted this Bot up in Vallejo gunmetal and in the final steps, I added a couple of drops of dark blue with the gunmetal to give the Bot a subtle blue hue...I like how it turned out...I also painted a couple of pieces of armour a different colour to show wear and tear in the line of duty...

Finally, the Baron...maligned, bitter, with a healthy anti-authority streak, the Baron was drummed from the Corps...instead of hiding in the cosmos, or hiding within the Far Foreign Legion...he instead recruited his band of misfits, and spends great effort in making sure his former superiors do not forget him... 


Phil said...

Beautiful minis, love the stunning last one...

Mike_A said...

Ya I like the orange thing he has on his shoulder. Like a space pirate with a parrot but it's some kind of caterpillar or some shit hah.

Stan M. said...

Thank you Phil...I'm very happy with how the Baron came up...

Stan M. said...

Thanks Mike...there are a few models in Rogue Stars with their own sci-fi'ey parrots...kind of a neat add...