Thursday, 3 December 2015

Great War - Canadian Expeditionary Force - first platoon

Hey folks,

I kinda turned to you all at the end of last month and laid out my tail of whoa and heartache and the disappearance of my gaming mojo.  It was truly sad and horrible...sometime over September and early mojo, just went away.

And who suffered...well, the fine body of little soldiers inspired by the real world heroism of the Canadian Expeditionary Force from World War 1.  My overall goal was to use Battlefront figs to properly represent Canadian forces that fought with my focus on Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele.  I started September full of steam with a platoons worth of figures basecoated and ready to go...

Like many plans...this one did not survive first contact...for some reason, the painting at hand was soul sucking...I blame my Death Knight the revival era of October, I put sand to base and finished painting up the remainder of the platoon and then made and painted their bases.

I was very surprised and happy that the bases came up as quick as they did...I tried very hard to emulate the wet and rainy battlefield of both these battles.  I took the time to 'sculp' craters that the troops had to slog through...I used sand for my bases so the 'sculpting' took some time, patience, and buttload of glue...but I'm very happy with the results.

Hope you enjoy the pics.

An extra command stand that I painted up...
The Platoon...

Command stand in the front...follow me...
Group shot from the front...
Rear profile...I like this shot because it showcases the multiple craters that I made up...after some online searching of battle shots and movie captures from the "Passchendaele" by Paul Gross, I settled on Vallejo Green/Brown with light dusting of Tan Earth and Army Painter Strong Tone on the edge.

The Lewis teams took extra effort making the berms work, but I'm very happy with the results 


GGouveia said...

Outstanding work, esp the bases. I'm from Edmonton and I love the work you did.

Duncan said...

Those are really nice. Is it just paint that you used for the greenish puddles or did you use some water effects? I had tried something like that for my US Vietnam guys and it did not work out well.

Stan M. said...

Thank you GG, feedback is always great, especially when its positive. I used to live in Edmonton a few years back...I also had a few buddies of mine hail from the Loyal Eddies...

Stan M. said...

Thanks Duncan...I tried to do a 'poor mans' water effect...I initially used wood glue which worked well for my rice paddy did not work this time, so I used a mix of white glue on top...didn't work, and then I tried normal modeling didn't work great, but I was consistent throughout...
Then I painted over top...fairly heavy with the paint as well...

Phil said...

Nice bases and great job on the figures, well done!

Stan M. said...

Thanks Phil.

Anonymous said...

Those look amazing, love the bases. Finishing up my German army now then doing the Brits!

Stan M. said...

Thank you Cory...I'm in a bit off focus with my Team Yankee painting, but I'm hoping to have some more progress soon. Take care