Saturday, 24 June 2017

A Couple of Troopers

Hello everyone,

Just a quick I continue to paint through my Imperial Assault figures, I finished off the 'straight' troopers for a section of Stormtroopers.  The idea I'm working with is 1 x unit leader (orange pauldron), 5 x regular troops (no pauldrons), and 2 x heavy troopers...this of course is a very loose take on the organization of a Stormtrooper platoon, etc.

I recently finished the bulk of my first section, here, and wanted to have a means of differentiating between the I thought the easiest way was to paint the bases differently.  For the first section, I used Citadel's Agrellan Earth to give the mudflat look...for the second section I thought I'd paint the base in desert yellow and then a top coat of Stirland Mud while leaving some 'blank' spots to allow the desert yellow to pop through.  After that I applied some Citadel 'Ardcoat to the yellow pools to make them pop.

I very much enjoy the Imperial Assault figures and am still having a really great time painting them up...

Enjoy the pics...
Painting so far in 2017:
28mm - 55
15mm - 5

28mm - 53
vehicle - 1

15mm - 0
vehicle - 7
Overall PROGRESS: -1



Anonymous said...

Those Storm Troopers are Stunning!!!

Stan M. said...

Thank you Jacob!