Wednesday 12 February 2020

Zona Alfa - A New Distraction?

Hey folks,

So yeah, working on a focused project is definitely a great way to pass the time...and in this hobby it is always great to have an objective to focus on.  BUT, and I am certainly no stranger to this...there are always distractions out there.

The latest of course is Zona Alfa from Osprey Publishing.  This little gem hit my mailbox near the end of January thanks to a Chapters gift card I got for Christmas.  Now I totally have too many rule books with not enough time to paint figs up for them, but it is hard not to jump onto some of the rules being offered by Osprey.  Not only are they a quick read...but they don't hold you slave to any particular figure company or scale.

In this case, Zona Alfa lives up to the figures 'agnostic' approach that Osprey has been following with this style.  Having taken a read of the book my initial impressions...

1. Scavanging in the exclusion zone - an excellent backstory heavily inspired by STALKER and Metro gameplay set in Eastern Europe;
2. any figure will do - literally you can go with post WW2 figures, ultra modern, Cold War, or even post apocalyptic figs, hell you could even work in Reds, Whites, and Frostgrave cultists.  There are no limits...if you go with the setting then something soviet themed fits the backstory, BUT you are not committed to this
3. More on the feel - I think what I like about this is that it looks to share a variety of similarities with Frostgrave...minus the Wizards of course...running into the Zone to search for fortune and glory in a post-nuclear wasteland or zone sounds somewhat similar to looting the ruins of Felstad.  With the possibility of mutated beasts, zombies, and irate survivors this leaves me thinking of a modern shoot-em-up take on Frostgrave...

Which of course, I really like.  At one time a few years back I had thought about what would a modern Frostgrave look like...more because I was thinking of what would assault rifles and smg’s do for the setting.

Next step for me...push through more Team Yankee stuff of course, however I think I will have to start planning some post-apoc terrain and see which of my figures I can purpose into this environment.

Oh, and I got to say, if you want further inspiration or insight into the ruleset, check out the Osprey Blog and hit the Zone Alfa tag.

Osprey Blog - Zona Alfa

Later folks.

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