Monday 9 January 2023

2022...Oh What a Year

 Howdy folks,

I hope the new year has found you healthy, happy, and perhaps a little wise(r)...I could definitely use some of that...wise(r) or Wiser's, either would work. I have to say it is always a little surprising when the calendar rolls over, it comes too soon and at times has certainly taken too long to get here. 

In terms of painting and gaming, it was a journey...some models seemed to paint themselves and others took a disproportionate amount of time which in itself can be quite frustrating as it slowed progress. However, out of that I can say that I am very happy with the results of the painting, even if I had hoped for higher volumes, I am happy with the quality of the paintjob.

Compared to my thoughts just over 12 months ago, last post of 2021, I am happy to say that I chipped away at a portion of lead mountain and some of its plastic shrubbery. I didn't make any records in terms of outputs, but I am happy to see I had some consistency over the past couple of years which was an overall increase compared to a low-point I had prior to the pandemic (2019 was not a stellar year for output or gaming).

I think the biggest difference between past years was the dramatic increase in the record-keeping of my painting and blog posting - at 36 posts for this year, it is my most productive in about the last 5-6, so huge success. I don't think I was able to get more games in, but I had roughly the same output with more you got to see some of my more random thoughts and more happy about that. I didn't get as much done, so I need to get better with my main objectives, however I did get a considerable amount of 28mm and 28mm+ done.

Whats on tap for next year? 

Definitely more gaming...I'd like to see some Fallout, Legion, and give Marvel Crisis Protocol a try. 

In terms of painting...I'd like to get more output, obviously; but I'd like to chip away through more of my 15mm lead mountain AND through my collection of starter and expansion boxes for Team Yankee, The Walking Dead, and some of the bigger models for MCP.

In terms of projects...RED f'ing DAWN baby...this book has brought me back to Team Yankee and I'd like to get some of that accomplished and maybe see how I can work towards an extended campaign or psuedo-Firestorm. I’ve got the weather data, so you know, let’s see what that could give us. As well, I'd like to get the Nam Infantry Aces off the deck, and of course I'd really like to get some actual movement on my Afropia imagi-nations (this will compliment my 15mm painting objective nicely).

All that to say, Happy New Year to all...all the best in 2023!

Take care folks!!

A few notables from the year…

The Green Goblin, Marvel Crisis Protocol

Cable and Domino, Marvel Crisis Protocol

A couple of operatives, Spectre Miniatures

The Mysterious Stranger, Modiphius - Fallout Wasteland Warfare

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